
  • We've been sharing your tributes to Queen Elizabeth II following her death aged 96

  • You've told us what she meant to you, moments you remember from her life and your stories of meeting the UK's longest-reigning monarch

  • On Monday, the nation paid a final farewell to the Queen, with a state funeral and military procession

  • Our tributes page has been a reminder that hundreds of thousands of us felt a personal connection with the Queen, says BBC Media and Arts Correspondent David Sillito

  • "She made you feel as if you were important at that moment in her life," says Simone Kennett, who was head teacher of a school when it was visited by the Queen

  • We'll be preserving this page so people in the UK and around the world can continue to read the tributes so many of you have left for the Queen

  1. 'The Queen gave him a massive smile'published at 09:53 British Summer Time 19 September 2022

    The Queen visited HMS Dolphin in 1959 and presented the Colours to the Submarine Service.Image source, Roy Penny
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    The Queen visiting HMS Dolphin in 1959 to present the Colours to the Submarine Service.

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    This photo was taken by my dad Roy Penny when he served as a photographer in the Royal Navy in 1948-1960. The Queen visited HMS Dolphin in 1959 and presented the Colours to the Submarine Service.

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    He was taking pictures of the Queen in her car, but as he got out he realised his camera was in the wrong hand so if he saluted her he would have hit his head with it. So he just stood to attention, and as the Queen got out she gave him a massive smile."

    Janet Penny, Kent

  2. 'I made headlines meeting the Queen in Red Square'published at 05:31 British Summer Time 19 September 2022

    The Queen in Red Square, MoscowImage source, Raymond Goslitski family archive
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    The Queen in Red Square in Moscow in 1994

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    I was one of very few people who gained access to Red Square in Moscow on the day the Queen visited, accompanied by Prince Philip and Boris Yeltsin. I was an exchange student at the time, and it was announced the Queen would visit Russia while I was there. It was an opportunity not to be missed. I didn't have an invitation, but when I got to Red Square, a camera operator from a rival British broadcaster handed me his tripod and said, 'here, take this - you'll be taken for a media worker'. It worked a treat. This was before digital cameras and smartphones, so I limited my photo use to two. The repercussions of this were pretty huge. For example, six months later, when I enrolled on an Erasmus exchange at Strasbourg University in France, the head of the department chose the initial interview to say to me, 'Ah, I've heard all about your adventures in Russia!' It was a very memorable day for me, and one that still gets talked about from time to time!"

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    The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were both a little sad that local people were being kept away from the visitors, and they'd only met British expats. When the Duke spoke to me, asking what I was doing there, a Russian interpreter asked me the question in Russian. When I replied, 'you might not believe this but I come from near London,' the Duke retorted: 'Yes I would. I've just met a group of people from Birmingham'. It made the front pages of most newspapers, including the most surreal headline I have seen: 'PRINCE PHILIP MEETS MAN FROM BROMLEY IN RED SQUARE'.

    Raymond Goslitski, formerly from Bromley, Kent

    The Queen in Red Square MoscowImage source, Raymond Goslitski family archive
  3. 'It was the proudest day of my life'published at 03:37 British Summer Time 19 September 2022

    The Queen at Wembley StadiumImage source, Maggie Souyave
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    Maggie Souyave introduces the Queen to members of the England Women's hockey team at Wembley in 1981

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    “It was the 30th anniversary of the annual England women’s hockey match at Wembley. We played Wales and beat them in front of more than 60,000 spectators. The Queen was the patron of the All England Women’s Hockey Association, and it was beyond our expectations that she accepted the invitation to Wembley.

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    The Queen did a lap of honour at the stadium in a Land Rover. We were absolutely thrilled she was there. It was a personal honour for me as England captain to introduce Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to the team at Wembley. It was the proudest day of my life.”

    Maggie Souyave, former England woman's hockey captain

  4. 'The Queen visited me in hospital'published at 01:16 British Summer Time 19 September 2022

    The Queen visiting a hospitalImage source, Wanda Townsend
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    The Queen speaking to Wanda Townsend at Westminster Hospital in 1966

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    I was in Westminster hospital in 1966 aged 16 when the Queen came to visit the hospital. I felt very nervous and was the only patient not to have visitors with me. I think the Queen noticed I was on my own and so she came to me first and asked if I’d had my operation or was I still waiting. I said I was still waiting and she replied, 'that’s the hardest part'. The memory means a lot to me, especially now that she has passed."

    Wanda Townsend, Essex

  5. 'I wanted to be part of this historical event'published at 23:16 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    Clare Matthews, 48, lives in Graveley, Hitchin. She spent nine hours queuing to pay her respects to the Queen and says that looking back on the experience now "it is all a bit surreal”.

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    “I wanted to thank her for a life of service and to take in this historical event. Everything happened pretty quickly around 3am. To turn a corner and be in the hall with Her Majesty took my breath away.

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    We were lucky enough to see the guard change and the rehearsals taking place for the funeral was extra special. I’m so glad I went to pay my respects, express my thanks and gratitude. It was worth the nine hours queuing, and the aches and pains this morning!”

  6. One of the Queen's final public engagementspublished at 21:52 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    A schoolgirl presents flowers to the QueenImage source, Transport for London
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    Schoolgirl Anamika presents flowers to the Queen at the opening of the Elizabeth Line in Paddington this year

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    My daughter Anamika was lucky enough to attend the official opening of the new Elizabeth Line on 17 May 2022. Her primary school class sang for the Queen and other dignitaries at the opening event at Paddington Station. Anamika was overjoyed and immensely proud to be chosen as the flower girl who presented the Queen with a bouquet on this occasion - one of the Queen's last official public engagements. Anamika described the moment as the proudest of her life so far."

    Ben Flatman, London

  7. 'I met the Queen on my birthday'published at 19:31 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    The Queen being presented with flowersImage source, Sheena Reeves
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    The Queen sits with former British Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden and Prince Philip as six year old Sheena Reeves presents her with flowers in 1963

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    My dad, James Christie Robb, was Professor of Chemistry at Birmingham University, and the new chemistry building, the Haworth Building, was being opened by Her Majesty the Queen on 24 May 1963. It happened to be my sixth birthday so I was chosen to present her with a bouquet. I had several curtsy lessons beforehand with the Lady Mayoress of Birmingham.

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    When I went and took the flowers to her she said, ‘I hear it’s your birthday… I like the flowers’. I could barely whisper a yes to both comments! I felt very overwhelmed. It is a memory that has stayed with me for all those years. I still have the dress that I wore that day - I have kept it for almost 60 years!"

    Sheena Reeves, Surrey

  8. 'The Queen visited my school on her state visit to Turkey'published at 17:55 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    Jale Bradley with the QueenImage source, Jale Bradley’s family archive
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    The Queen visited Jale's English High School in Istanbul during her state visit to Turkey in 1971

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    I was introduced to the late Queen Elizabeth II at our English High School during her visit to Istanbul in 1971. Little did I know then that a year later I would come to London to study, meet my husband (sitting side by side) during our degree and get married while doing our PhDs. Now we have 3 lovely grown up children and as a family mourn her passing and hope that her legacy will flourish in the new King. I was also lucky to be introduced to HRH Princess Ann during the same event.

    Dr A J Bradley

    Girls dancingImage source, Jale Bradley's family archive
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    Girls performed in front of the Queen (who is in the far right corner)

  9. She told me: 'You can't take a photograph into the sun'published at 16:42 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    James Morrow taking a pictureImage source, James Morrow family archive
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    James Morrow was allowed out of hospital for the Queen's visit to Copenhagen

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    My father served in the Royal Navy and was posted to the British Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark as the Naval Attaché in 1955. As a seven-year old boy, I went to Copenhagen with my elder sister and my parents. I started to develop a limp and it was discovered that I had Perthes disease, a condition that affects the ball and socket joint of the hip. My father asked the hospital if I could come home for a few days for the Queen and Prince Philip's visit to Copenhagen in 1957 and my parents came and picked me up and took me to our house in Copenhagen.

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    I had to be in a wheelchair and I was therefore at the front of the big crowd that had gathered to see Her Majesty on her visit to the city's Anglican Cathedral. Someone at the back of the crowd passed their camera to me and asked me to take some photographs. As I put the camera to my eye, the Queen stopped in front of me and bent down and said: 'You can't take a picture into the sun.' She re-positioned herself so I could take a better photograph and then moved off and into the church. I was totally overwhelmed."

    James Morrow from Somerset

    A newspaper article about James Morrow taking a photo of the QueenImage source, James Morrow family archive
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    James Morrow was 10 when a newspaper published a photo of the Queen which he took, and a photo of James himself

  10. A Silver Jubilee meetingpublished at 14:03 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    Michelle Martin after presenting the Queen with a bouquet.Image source, Michelle Martin
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    Michelle Martin after presenting the Queen with a bouquet.

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    At the age of 6, I was lucky enough to meet the Queen at her Silver Jubilee. All dressed in red, white and blue clutching onto my bouquet of flowers I waited expectantly to catch a glimpse of the Queen. As a young child it was difficult to see over the barriers, so my father lifted me up in order for me to get a better view. It just so happened that we were stood next to a policeman who asked me if I would like give my flowers to the Queen. Of course I said yes and I was then duly lifted over the barrier by the policeman. I remember feeling excited and nervous all at the same time as I walked quickly towards Her Majesty.

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    I also clearly remember her beaming smile as I curtsied and handed over my bouquet. We exchanged a few words before I turned to walk away in a daze at what had just happened. I feel extremely lucky to have had those special moments and I will cherish the memories forever.

    Michelle Martin from Dorset

  11. 'First my father and then I photographed the Queen'published at 13:05 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    The royal couple in White HorseImage source, Joe G. Eisley
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    In 1959 the royal couple visited the small town of White Horse in the Yukon Territory in Canada

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    In 1959, my parents drove from Michigan to Alaska to visit a friend. As they were preparing to drive home, they learned that the Queen and Prince Philip would be visiting the small town of White Horse in the Yukon Territory in Canada. They left Alaska at about 4:00 a.m. and drove to White Horse where my father took several pictures of the royal couple.

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    In 2017, I had my own chance to photograph the royal family on a trip to London which happened to coincide with Trooping the Colour. We got up very early and went down to the Mall where we spent several hours enjoying the company of those waiting with us and were thrilled to view the parade and later the balcony appearance.'

    Susan Eisley from Pittsfield, Massachusetts

    The royal couple in 2017Image source, Susan Eisley
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    In 2017 the royal couple was photographed during Trooping the Colour event

  12. 'I'm donating to a charity to honour the Queen'published at 12:11 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    Steph Evans' Golden RetrieverImage source, Steph Evans
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    Instead of paying my respects in person, or laying flowers (which will eventually die), I have decided to donate to a charity that I volunteer for alongside my two golden retrievers. We belong to Wag & Company North East Friendship Dogs, who were awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services in 2020. Wag Teams visit the elderly in our community on a regular basis to help address loneliness and isolation in the community. As the Queen was such a massive dog lover, I am sure she would approve of my donation in her memory."

    Steph Evans from Yarm

  13. 'The highlight of my life'published at 09:01 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    Keith Webber meeting the Queen at Sherborne station the Queen is wearing a bright pink coat and matching hat as she shakes his hand and people gather behind them with union jack flagsImage source, Keith Webber
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    Keith Webber had an amusing meeting with the Queen whilst at work

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    Whilst on duty at Sherborne station, 1 May 2012, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh were on her Diamond Jubilee tour, arriving and departing by the royal train, visiting the Abbey at Sherborne. I wasn't due to meet Her Majesty, but on her return she came over to meet the station staff, shook my hand and said 'I believe my train is arriving shortly'. I replied by saying 'Yes ma'am, it's arriving now.' The biggest highlight of my life."

    Keith Webber

  14. 'She made you feel like she waved to you only'published at 07:41 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    Rachel Smith was working as a cleaner at Taunton Police Station when the Queen was driven through the town on her way to Yeovil.

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    I remember feeling upset that me and my work colleagues would miss the Queen's visit. However, the chief inspector made an announcement that we could all leave the police station to see it. The moment she arrived was surreal. She was dressed in a light green suit and hat with flowers on and looked completely beautiful. She had that amazing ability to make you feel she had directly seen you and was waving to you alone. The moment lasted a few seconds but the memories will live forever."

    Rachel Smith, Taunton

  15. 'Hong Kong flourished under her reign'published at 06:00 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

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    As a Hong Kong citizen, I would like to say thank you so much. In light of her reign, Hong Kong could thrive and be such an energetic, flourishing city for a long time.

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    I couldn't believe that she is long gone now all of a sudden. She was a wise, elegant and wondrous woman. She absolutely is one of the role models for everyone during these 70 years. I am glad that we once had her, the amazing woman in this era.

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    She is a real legend - I think my admiration to Her Majesty will last forever. At the end, thank you so much for serving the country, Commonwealth and the world. She will be missed by everyone forever."

    Luna, from Hong Kong

  16. Tributes from across the Atlanticpublished at 02:36 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

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    I went to London in 2010 and visited Buckingham Palace. While she was not my Queen per se, I really felt that her grace and longevity were to be admired. I am 41 years old and she has been there all my life. That’s all we know. Her passing is the end of an era and it’s so sad in so many ways. God bless the Queen and those close to her. There will never be another Queen Elizabeth II."

    Sam Tyler, Georgia, US

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    I will be watching from home in Prairie Village, Kansas. I had an opportunity to see the Queen on one of my many trips to the UK and had the utmost respect and adoration for her. She will be greatly missed by me and I wish I could be there to pay my respects.”

    Deanna Marsh, Kansas, US

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    I plan on getting up early Monday to watch the funeral coverage online from my home in Asheville. Americans are fascinated by the British monarchy and love and admire the Queen. I considered her Queen of the world, not just the UK. She always stood for what is good and right. A life well lived. I will miss her.”

    Larry Rhodes, North Carolina, US

  17. 'We say in unison: 'Thank you Ma'am''published at 00:58 British Summer Time 18 September 2022

    Jeannette D'Souza's watercolour painting.Image source, Jeannette D'Souza
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    Jeannette D'Souza's watercolour painting.

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    To our Beloved Queen. As we say our last goodbyes... for all the good and great work that you have done and done it really well, we say in unison 'Thank you Ma'am'. With deepest gratitude we say our farewell to the graceful, kind and thoughtful person that you were, a simple gentleness surrounded you always and you always made everyone feel comfortable and at ease. With your love and sincere dedication you were an exemplary leader, concerned for the well-being of your people and so we looked up to you with our hearts full of admiration... Rest in Peace dearest Queen🙏🌟🕯🌟

    Jeannette D'Souza from Croydon

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  18. 'You have touched everyone's heart'published at 22:44 British Summer Time 17 September 2022

    Maheshwary Ayling received a letter from the Queen in 2009.Image source, Maheshwary Ayling
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    Maheshwary Ayling received a letter from the Queen in 2009.

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    I have always admired the Queen. My father was really into the Royal Family and went to see the Queen when she visited Sri Lanka. He collected pictures of the Queen from the newspaper since 1953.

    James Ayling at Windsor Castle.Image source, Maheshwary Ayling
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    Maheshwary Ayling's son James at Windsor Castle.

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    I live in the UK and went with my son James to Windsor Castle to pay my respects. It was so emotional and special. I would love to go again.

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    Thank you for all your amazing hard work to all nations. You have touched everyone's heart. I don't have the words to describe you, your majesty. Thank you."

    Maheshwary Ayling from Surrey

  19. 'My dad was the Queen's physician'published at 21:16 British Summer Time 17 September 2022

    man and woman sitting on steps outside a houseImage source, Jeanne Ainslie
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    Everett Harvard Ainslie in 1940 when he enrolled in the army, sitting with his wife Amelia in Ontario

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    My late father, Everett Harvard Ainslie was a brigadier in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps had the privilege and honour to be chosen as physician to Queen Elizabeth II when she and Prince Philip visited Ottawa, Canada in 1957 - he later accompanied the royal entourage to Washington DC where the Queen met President Eisenhower. While in Ottawa my parents were invited to a private luncheon with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at Rideau Hall, the official residence of the Canadian Governor General.

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    My father had met the Queen once before in the autumn of 1951 when as CO of Queen Mary Veterans Hospital in Montreal, Quebec. He had the honour to welcome Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip. At the time, I was 11 and along with a packed outdoor stadium, cheered the Princess and Duke as they drove by.

    Jeanne Ainslie, British Colombia, Canada

  20. 'My father was asked to procure the dimensions of the Queen's footprint'published at 19:47 British Summer Time 17 September 2022

    Her Majesty's footprint castImage source, Simon Baker
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    A bronze cast of Her Majesty’s footprint was made after her visit to Solva in June 1995

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    In June 1995, the Queen and Prince Philip paid a visit to Pembrokeshire in the Royal Yacht Britannia as part of a wider visit to Wales. After anchoring off the coast, the royal tender brought them to Solva harbour where they were welcomed at the quayside by cheering crowds. Solva is near the city of St David's which boasts a magnificent cathedral.

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    As a mark of respect, and to preserve the fond memory of the visit, my late father, a retired Royal Navy officer, was asked by the community to procure the dimensions of the Queen’s footprint in order to lay a bronze cast of Her Majesty’s footprint on the steps of the Quayside at the exact spot where she alighted from the royal tender'.

    Simon Baker, Solva

    The memorial plaque in Solva harbourImage source, Simon Baker
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    The Queen and Prince Philip visited Sova near St David's in June 1995