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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. Goodbye and thanks for all your contributions

    Sadly that's the end of our live coverage of events across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire held to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

    We hope you've enjoyed the four-day bank holiday celebrating the Queen's 70th year as monarch.

    The BBC children's TV programme Vision On used to say to picture contributers: "We're sorry that we can't return any of your pictures, but there's a prize for every one we show..."

    Well in this case there is no prize and the pictures are in the ether, but please accept a huge thank you for all the pictures and information you sent us and a sincere apology if we've not manage to include your contributions.

    Here's a picture of the Queen as she made an appearance on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for the Platinum Jubilee Pageant, on the final day of celebrations.

    The Queen on the balcony at Buckingham Palace
  2. Lincoln tea room's Jubilation after letter from Queen

    When staff at Bunty's Tea Room in Lincoln invited Queen Elizabeth II over for tea to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee they probably never expected to hear back from the palace.

    Letter from the Queen held by staff

    However, they got a very nice surprise.

    Manager Rhianna Gault said: "We sent a letter to the Queen – we thought it would be nice if we could invite her for afternoon tea.

    "And then a few weeks later she wrote back to say she wasn’t able to, but we’ve got a lovely letter in our window now that we can keep, and a postcard as well.

    "We were just so grateful that we actually got a letter back – it means a lot to us."

  3. Watch: 'The Queen is accessible to anyone'

    A man from West Yorkshire has shared the story of how his mother asked the future Queen for help in 1949.

    Francis Atkinson, who now lives in Halifax, was born in Belgium and came to England in 1947 with his mother.

    Two years later, his mother needed help finding a new home in West Yorkshire and wrote a letter to the then Princess Elizabeth.

    She responded and helped them find a new property, something which Francis says shows that "the Queen is accessible to anyone":

    Video content

    Video caption: A woman from Halifax received help from Princess Elizabeth in 1949
  4. The many faces of the monarchy celebrated

    As well as street parties, flags, bunting and parades, people have been using their skills to mark the Platinum Jubilee.

    Queen cake

    Nikki Holmes baked this sovereign special for the winner of North Lincolnshire village Winteringham's best-dressed house competition.

    In Castle Bytham, in Lincolnshire, Si and Lisa James created a different display - a monarch made out of flowerpots.

    Queen made of flowerpots
  5. Make (royal) hay while the sun shines?

    We've seen tributes to the Queen come in many guises over the last four days of Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

    The efforts and ingenuity involved have been impressive to say the least.

    Today has been no exception as we've already seen so many times and yet the royal representations keep on coming.

    Hay bale dressed up as the Queen

    Look at this one in Staintondale, near Ravenscar, in North Yorkshire.

    Looks like that dress was a tight squeeze but 'hay', they got there eventually.

  6. Celebrating Her Majesty at north Lincolnshire tip

    It's been a long few days and entirely understandable that you may need a brief rest from celebrating the sovereign's 70 years on the throne.

    But then the people at the tip in Grimsby do something as fantastic as the display below and voila, you're back in the midst of afternoon tea, the Red Arrows and street parties!

    Video content

    Video caption: Tip characters treated to royal theme for Platinum Jubilee
  7. Queen 'cut-out' for close call in Lincolnshire

    It's so annoying when you go to use the phone but the monarch has nipped in before you.

    Life-size cut out of Queen Elizabeth in a phone box

    It looks like that's what happened to Edward Aisthorpe in Lincolnshire's North Thoresby.

  8. Woollen corgi celebrates Platinum Jubilee

    All sorts of woollen creations have been created in towns and villages across England to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee, but one group of knitters in North Yorkshire has conjured up a royal favourite.

    A knitted corgi

    One of the many creations of the Knit and Natter Club in Ripon helping to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee is a woolly corgi.

    The Queen has owned more than 30 of the short-legged pooches during her reign - but it's unlikely she's ever had one in Specsavers window, which is where this one is.

    Members of the Knit and Natter Club

    The group of volunteers say they "run on coffee and cake".

    They've also decorated an obelisk in the market place with a knitted crown and the letters ER.

    And as if that wasn't enough they've crocheted almost 200ft (61m) of bunting which they decorated lamp-posts, entrances to the city and the town hall with.

  9. Union flags fly from top of Humber Bridge

    Two Union flags have flown from the 510ft (156m) high towers of the Humber Bridge since Wednesday as part of celebrations to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

    Union flag on Humber Bridge

    Both flags were raised by Gary Cryer, a Parachute Regiment veteran who founded a combat care charity.

    It is believed to be the first time flags have been flown from the towers.

  10. Rain never stopped Jubilee play

    The weather may have taken a turn for the less than clement but it didn't stop plucky partygoers from carrying on and enjoying the Platinum Jubilee to its fullest.

    Kids eating chocolate at a street party

    A last minute search for a gazebo meant chocolate could be eaten in the dry in Sheffield.

    Street party Bishopthorpe Road

    Meanwhile, despite a darkening sky it was all fun and bunting in York's Bishopthorpe Road.

    Ilkley street party

    And a bounty of brollys was all that was needed to keep the party in swing on The Grove in Ilkley.

  11. Woolly wonders spotted on post boxes

    If you've headed to a post box in the past few weeks, you may have noticed a special adornment as you popped in your letter.

    Woolly post box topper

    Around the country, groups have been creating special toppers to decorate the red pillars in order to bring a little fun to everyday jobs.

    Radio Sheffield's Kat Harbourne spotted these woolly wonders in Brinsworth, Rotherham, which are among eight in the area created by the Brinsworth Banksy Crafters.

    Wooly post box topper
  12. Jubilee celebrations at village maypole

    Barwick in Elmet celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee around its giant Maypole.

    Morris dancers

    The 86ft (26m) high structure is one of the biggest maypoles in the UK and was raised as part of the festivities.

    Hundreds of locals and visitors attended the event at the village near Leeds.The crowds were treated to a parade of floats, bands, Morris Men, majorettes as well as the crowning of the May Queen and dancing around the pole.

  13. Jubilee union flag front door wows tourists

    A front door of a home in York which has undergone a transformation to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee has been attracting the attention of tourists in York.

    A Union Flag front door

    Jack March, an interior designer, repainted his front door in the style of a union flag.

    He said: "Originally I had a red front door and was having the front redone and I thought I might as well utilise the red and turn it into a union flag

    "And to add a little sprinkle I added a garland."

    Jack said a lot of his neighbours have put messages through the letter-box complimenting him on his work and that the newly decorated door had also stopped tourists in their tracks.

    He said: "I opened the door the other day and there were about 15 Spanish tourists taking photographs."

    Now Jack says he's tempted to "keep it forever like that".

  14. Grenadier guards 'jubilation' in Lincolnshire villages

    The Queen's Company of The Grenadier Guards have been spotted keeping an eye on Platinum Jubilee festivities in towns and villages in Lincolnshire.

    Knitted soldiers on top of a post box

    Here they are atop a post box checking mail in Wragby and guarding a property in Hundleby near Spilsby.


    Meanwhile, It looks like they're hoping to gain battle honours in formation on Hundleby's ring of protective bollards too.

    Bollards dressed as Grenadier Guards
  15. Multi-coloured cathedral pays tribute to Queen

    Lincoln Cathedral was illuminated in red, white and blue on Friday evening.

    Lincoln Cathedral lit up

    The historic cathedral, whose construction began in 1071, was lit as part of Platinum Jubilee celebrations around the county and country.

    As well as Friday night, the Dean's Green in the cathedral grounds played host to a picnic on Sunday afternoon complete with music from the Sounds Easy Big Band.

  16. Spiderman flagging while princesses parade

    The efforts people have made to dress for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee are remarkable.

    A man wearing a superhero union flag costume

    The wet weather in Bridlington seems to have had no impact on Spiderman's choice of skin-tight union flag lycra.

    Women dressed as Jubilee princesses

    Meanwhile, in Northallerton in North Yorkshire the previously promised princesses arrived in patriotic ball-gown attire.

  17. Queen makes on-the-box appearance in Boston Spa

    We're used to seeing the Queen on the telly, but this takes seeing Her Majesty on the box to a whole other level.

    Queen scarecrow in Boston Spa

    Pippa Stearn's creation has appeared in a front garden in West Yorkshire as part of the Boston Spa Platinum Jubilee scarecrow trail.

    Queen scarecrow in Boston Spa

    And where there's a Queen there's often a King.

    Scarecrow Elvis in Boston Spa

    So what else do you expect to find sitting on top of a privet hedge but the king of rock 'n' roll, Elvis Presley.

  18. Crowning glory for town's natty knitters

    Thirsk's famous Yarnbombers have created a Platinum Jubilee tribute for the Queen.

    The group created knitted post toppers around the town's Market Square.

    As well as crowns, the knitters also made a woollen version of the monarch's famous golden carriage.

    Thirsk Yarnbomber creation
    Thirsk Yarnbomber creation
    Thirsk Yarnbomber creation
    Thirsk Yarnbomber creation
    Thirsk Yarnbomber creation
  19. Coronation Day musician's 'exhilarating' memories

    A euphonium player from South Yorkshire who was a member of the military band which played at the Queen's Coronation says his memory of the day is one of "exhilaration".

    Roy Green

    Roy Green, 88, from Darfield, says he remembers that the big day in 1953 was "very, very tiring".

    Mr Green had started playing euphonium aged 12 and had gone on to play for RAF Music Services before his Coronation call-up.

    "I was 19, whisked out of a mining town. It was very exciting," he said.

    The recent preparations for the Platinum Jubilee, marking the Queen's 70 years of service, have "brought back so many memories" from Coronation Day in 1953.

    Coronation procession

    The procession band on the day of the Coronation in London must have walked "at least 10 miles, stopping and starting, playing then not playing", he said.

    "The whole atmosphere was very exciting. There were crowds of thousands and thousands lining the procession route.

    "A packed lunch was brought to us where we had stopped, so we didn't move. Then we were off again. It was a long, long, tiring day."

  20. Watch: 'It lifts the whole mood of the school'

    Children at a school in Bradford have been celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in style.

    The school has hosted a tea party, with all the children wearing crowns and waving flags.

    Headteacher Michelle Khambhaita says: "It just makes us all smile."

    Video content

    Video caption: A school in Bradford have been celebrating the jubilee by hosting a tea party