1. The walk has finished - thank you for readingpublished at 23:00 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    Well, we are all done tonight. There’s just one box of food left that will be given to the local hostel.

    I have found it a humbling experience to be out tonight with people who give up their time to stand out in the freezing cold giving hot food to those who need it most.

    You can read back on our coverage across the day by scrolling down the page.

    Don't forget you can see more about homelessness in the West on Inside Out on BBC One on Monday at 7.30pm

    Feed the Bristol Homeless team
  2. Homeless man would be 'so embarrassed' if he saw sonpublished at 22:47 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    We’ve stopped to speak to a man near the Bristol Hippodrome.

    "My son works at the council. He’s now 25. If I saw him drive past now I’d be so embarrassed," he said.

    "I can get a job tomorrow if I want. I’m self employed. I’m a builder, I can do stuff with my hands.

    "I can’t do it from the doorway of a building because I’ve got no address for employers," he says.

    "Don’t lose your job. If you lose your job the landlord says get out. And where do you go?"

    Outside the Hippodrome
    Outside the Hippodrome
  3. Student helps feed the homeless walkpublished at 22:37 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    Angelo Ng is a student at the University of Bristol.

    He approached the walk halfway through wanting to join us. "I believe that you should do what good you can in your part of the world.

    "I’ve been doing this for half a year, the best part of it is just seeing people happy with their food."

    Angelo Ng
  4. Spice takeover means you 'can't trust no-one'published at 22:32 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Drug addiction among the homeless is a real problem, Ruby has told us.

    "Since the spice takeover you can't trust no-one," she says.

    "They'll walk past and see the opportunity to take money from the pot, or food, and they will do it," she says.

  5. Update on the collapsed woman from earlierpublished at 22:22 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    We’ve just been reunited with the pair that stayed behind to help the woman we found on the street.

    The ambulance took over an hour to arrive. She was very disoriented, and was taken off to hospital.

  6. Help for homeless woman who loves readingpublished at 22:21 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    We’ve reached Pero’s Bridge. There’s a woman here who I met last week.

    She recognised me and we shared a discussion about how the week has gone. It was not good. We’ve given her some food and some briefs to wear.

    “If I get into a hostel tonight I can lounge in these clothes," she says.

    Before we came, two men stopped by with a book, and some sanitary products. "Now I can read, she says. I love reading."

    Sign in Bristol
  7. Feed the homeless walk winds around Bristol city centrepublished at 22:08 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Trolley being pulled in city
  8. It's cold out there tonightpublished at 22:05 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    The walk has made it to the centre.

    My hands are freezing and I’m definitely feeling the cold now. There’s a big mix of people heading out for the evening.

    One man has come for food, his sleeping bag was stolen earlier in the day.

    Food being handed out
  9. 'I would rather be normal and have a job and home'published at 21:59 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Homeless man Zen says he feels "smaller than other people" and that he is often insulted by passers by.

    He tells us that he'd rather have a job and home but when asking for change has been called a "slob".

  10. Extra strong tea being handed outpublished at 21:53 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    Derek Dodd has been handing out tea and coffee. He’s been feeling a bit awkward because the teabags have been left in the flasks.

    "One woman got three teabags In her drink," he jokes.

    Derek Dodd
  11. People put on a smile despite freezing temperaturespublished at 21:49 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    One of the things I’m struck by is how cheerful the people are.

    They are swapping jokes with those that are feeding them. "I’ll eat anything, I’m like a dustbin," jokes Lisa.

    Trolley being pushed
  12. 'There are so many stories,' behind homelessnesspublished at 21:41 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    "You've got people homeless because there's been a breakdown in the family," homeless woman Ruby says.

    She add "they've lost their house, got in debt, drugs, people intentionally making themselves homeless".

  13. It's hard to get over a 'bump in the road' when you're older, says Robpublished at 21:31 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Rob became homeless after having a breakdown and getting into rent problems.

    "When you hit a bump in the road, the older you get, the harder it is to get over it," he says.

    But Rob adds that he is grateful for the help he gets from charities.

  14. Burger eaters watch on as homeless man eats mac and cheesepublished at 21:28 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    We’ve stopped outside a fast food restaurant to give food to a man who was sleeping here.

    Just a few inches away behind a pane of glass two people eating burgers look down at him.

    He’s taking some apple crumble, some mac and cheese and a sandwich

  15. Feed the homeless walk halted temporarily after woman foundpublished at 21:20 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    The group has stopped to look after a woman they found in the street outside Tesco.

    She says she has fallen but it’s not clear why she’s here.

    The group says they can’t leave her here but they’re debating splitting up while some stay to look after her.

    An ambulance has been called but we don’t know how long it’ll be.

    She’s conscious. A lot of people are wandering past looking at the group.

  16. 'I always see my children': rough sleeper in Weston thinks of his pastpublished at 21:14 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    As part of Monday's Inside Out West, Seb Choudhury spent a night on with rough sleepers in Weston-super-Mare.

    One man, Steve, says "I always see my children" when thinking of his past life.

    You can see more of Seb's experiences on Monday night's programme. It's on at 7.30pm on BBC One West.

  17. Amputee among the people living rough in Bristol this eveningpublished at 21:07 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    One man here has just left hospital after having his leg amputated. He’s just lying on the street eating the food the charity is giving out.

    He collapsed in town in pain but was told he can’t stay in the hospital.

    He's been living out for six months so far.

    Person handing out food
  18. 'Angels' handing out foodpublished at 20:55 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    "You people are so lovely. It’s like seeing angels out here."

    Mark has been in and out of hostels for two years.

    "This is the first time I’ve had food on Friday for ages," he says.

  19. Zen is grateful for help and says he has not eaten all daypublished at 20:50 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    More from the people we've been speaking to over the past week.

    Zen, who sleeps rough in Bristol, says he has not eaten all day and is "appreciative" of the help he gets from Feed the Bristol Homeless.

    "They give out food, tea ... everything you need basically," he adds.

  20. Homeless man in plea for gloves to help him keep warmpublished at 20:40 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    "Have you got any gloves?" asks one man. "My hands are freezing."

    "I don’t want any food, I just want some gloves."

    He is sadly disappointed.

    There’s a lot of faces here I saw last week when I filmed with many of them. I find myself greeting them like friends, but it’s an odd situation to find them in.

    Homeless man