1. Homelessness in the West: What is today's page all about?published at 12:15 Greenwich Mean Time 19 January 2018

    Jonathan Holmes
    BBC West Live Reporter

    Hello, and welcome to our special live page looking at the issue of homelessness in the West.

    We hear about this issue a lot in the news, and recent figures tell us the problem will not disappear overnight.

    Last Friday night, I spent the evening filming with the charity Feed the Homeless Bristol, external, a group of volunteers who give up their time every weekend giving out food in the city. I spoke to several people living on the street too.

    Media caption,

    We spent the evening following a Bristol homeless charity

    We'll be running some of the interviews with homeless people from a week ago and looking at how the issue affects many towns and cities across our area.

    I will be out with the charity again this evening, live blogging with the people that they meet.