Large number of retiring officers prompt police recruitment campaign
published at 14:22 Greenwich Mean Time 22 March 2017
Mariam Issimdar
BBC News
Norfolk Police says it is having to recruit three times as many officers than it normally would, due to the high number of officers retiring.

Ch Supt Dave Marshall says in a normal year it would take on about 60 people, but this year needs to fill 180 posts.
The force is using Facebook, external to allow potential recruits to question student officers about what it's really like to be an officer.
Ch Supt Marshall says over the past few years there's been a decline nationally in the numbers applying to join the emergency service. Anyone upto the age of 57 can apply.
"People a little older do have a lot of life experience and can bring a lot to the job," he said.
"But equally some people who are 18, 19 have got valuable skills. We talk about cyber crime, not stereo typing but younger people tend to be more savvy in terms of cyber investigation, and a lot of our fraud investigations are based on mobile phones, internet and social media."