Death tollpublished at 19:00 British Summer Time 1 July 2016
An accurate death toll over the course of the Battle of the Somme is an impossibility. But it is thought that as many as a million men were killed in those 20 weeks.

Battle of the Somme - as it happened
Almost 20,000 British soldiers were killed on the opening day of the battle
2,069 men from the 36th Ulster Division were killed at the Somme on 1 July 1916
All times are +1 hour BST
Picture: Attack on Thiepval, Getty Images
Eunan McConville and Lee Costello
An accurate death toll over the course of the Battle of the Somme is an impossibility. But it is thought that as many as a million men were killed in those 20 weeks.
In early 1917, the Germans fell back to the safety of the Hindenburg line - negating all the gains for which the Allies had paid such a high price.
The Hindenburg line
The Battle of the Somme saw British improvements in trench warfare. The creeping barrage was improved; tanks were used for the first time; intelligence got better.
The Battle of the Somme would continue for almost five months. The British lines moved forward by about 4.5 miles (7km).
As dusk descends on the Somme, it becomes apparent that the British army has suffered its bloodiest day. In all, the first day saw 57,470 British casualties - 19,240 dead. In comparison the German army had around 6,000 casualties.
The 36th Ulster Division finishes the first day of the Battle of the Somme right back where they started. But with more than 5,000 casualties - around 2,069 of them lying dead.
The battle rages on into the evening. The first day is yet not over but the casualties count is rising at an alarming rate.
On the way back towards the British front lines, they meet the reinforcements they were hoping for about seven hours earlier.
The Germans are exhausted and the 36th manages its retreat in an orderly fashion.
The Ulster men fall back to the initial German front line. They brace themselves for an onslaught.
The order is given to relinquish the Schawben Redoubt.
Fewer men and fewer bullets means the Ulster Division's defence is becoming increasingly desperate. The Germans just keep coming.
Another determined German counter-attack. It's coming from three sides.
So far, the Germans haven't succeeded in breaking through the Ulstermen. But it's only a matter of time.
With scant possibility of reinforcements any time soon, the 36th Division have to attempt to hold on until dark.
The German counter-attacks just keep coming.
The counter attack from the Germans is fierce coming from the direction of the village of Grandcourt.
Communication with the Ulstermen through No Man's Land is nigh on impossible.
The men from the 36th who are at Schwaben are effectively cut off from their nearest comrades. No-Man's Land isn't an option for the Ulster Division at the minute - the German machine gun fire from Thiepval is almost constant.
The Germans want the Schwaben Redoubt back and start their counter attacks to take it.