
  • The Smith Commission recommends the full control over income tax rates and bands be devolved to Holyrood

  • The commission, set up after the "No" vote in the independence referendum, reached an agreement at its final meeting

  • It says a share of VAT should be assigned to the Scottish Parliament, and that Air Passenger Duty should be fully devolved

  • It also recommends Holyrood be given powers to allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in Scottish elections

  1. Reaction: By emailpublished at 10:04 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Chris Hegarty: Some nice headlines from the Smith Commission but scratch beneath the surface and it's just tinkering with issues such as welfare. I don't have any party allegiance but as a voter who wanted more powers I'm surprised, underwhelmed and disappointed.

    David, Glasgow: This is nothing like Devo Max, nor the 'home rule close to federalism' that Scots were promised. The Tories, Lib Dems and Labour will dress it up like it is something more than it is. Scots have been cheated, you can guarantee by the time these plans have gone through Westminster they will have been watered down as much as possible.

    Paul: If Scottish parliament get powers to raise income tax, then the Scottish MPs in Westminster should not be setting the income tax levels for the rest of the UK. Believe the PM about English Laws for England only? No!

  2. What Scotland deal would mean for UKpublished at 10:01 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    James Landale
    Deputy political editor

    "If Scotland gets the powers promised to it by the Smith commission, the consequences will be felt across the whole of the United Kingdom.

    Yes votersImage source, Reuters

    "First, there will be increased demands for more devolution elsewhere.

    "Many English MPs will want a greater say at Westminster over legislation that only affects England. William Hague is chairing a cabinet committee to come up with plans to make this happen, plans that will be published in a few weeks' time."

    Read James' full analysis

  3. Smith expects...published at 09:59 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Severin Carrell, The Guardian's Scotland correspondent, tweets, external: Lord Smith says @David_Cameron pledged this morning #smithcommission wld be implemented "in full"; Smith expects total package be accepted

  4. Reaction: On twitterpublished at 09:58 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Aamer Anwar:, external #smithcommission Just Recommendations, broken vows, no real powers 2eradicate poverty & at mercy of Westminster- BUSINESS AS USUAL.

    Stephen Crompton:, external You can't call this a win compared to what we could have had, not even a full step forward! A toe edged slightly closer? #smithcommission

    Pam Heinemeier:, external English votes for english laws was ALWAYS the favoured outcome of the Smith Commission.

    Andrew Smith:, external Whether or not everyone feels it goes far enough, it's fair to say #smithcommission represents a real and substantial change to devolution.

  5. Life on the commissionpublished at 09:56 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    John Swinney described the Smith Commission as a "long and intense process".

    He adds: "There has been lots of cross words, and lots of laughter. It has not been an arduous process. Politicians can find some common ground.

    "What is helping us is we have had fabulous chairmanship from Lord Smith of Kelvin, who has delivered a tremendous service to Scotland in this process."

  6. Reaction: On twitterpublished at 09:44 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Glen O'Hara:, external #Sturgeon initial measures really raised my hopes for good governance in #Scotland. #SNP reaction to #smithcommission has dashed them again.

    Kirstein Rummery:, external #smithcommission delivered one of the most/devolved, accountable and autonomous fed settlement in the world - more tax & spend power than US.

    Iain Docherty:, external So Scotland can't even decide which taxes it wants. 'As close to federalism as it gets'? #smithcommission

  7. 'Not 100% shared devolution'published at 09:44 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Nicola Sturgeon, in a second tweet, external said: Para 75 of #smith report - 'income tax will remain a shared tax'. So not 100% devolution as spun by Westminster parties.

  8. 'Not home rule'published at 09:44 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Mr Swinney said parties had to compromise in the Smith Commission, adding: "This agreement does not fulfil all of my expectations or my ambitions and more importantly it doesn't fulfil the expectations or ambitions of the people of Scotland".

    The deputy first minister said: "This is not what people were promised in the last days of the referendum, when Gordon Brown promised a system that would be delivered which would be as close to federalism as was possible.

    "We were promised modern home rule. That has not been delivered today."

  9. Postpublished at 09:41 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Tim Reid
    Political correspondent, BBC News

    tweets, external Licensing of onshore #oil and #gas extraction underlying Scotland will be devolved to Holyrood #smithcommision

  10. Nicola Sturgeon tweetspublished at 09:41 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweets:, external I welcome all new powers - and pay tribute to Lord Smith - but 70% of our taxes and 85% of welfare staying at Westminster not real home rule

  11. Reaction: On twitterpublished at 09:40 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Gareth Clancy:, external more power for Scotland #SmithCommission on income tax & borrowing . Need strong "economic responsibility".

    Jim McLaughlin:, external Maggie Chapman, Greens justifiably angry with "collaborators." Can feel the hackles of the nation rising over #smithcommission sell-out.

    Rhiannon Valentine:, external Don't forget these are recommendations! We have no guarantee that this is what will actually be delivered. #SmithCommission

  12. SNP disappointed over no job creating powerspublished at 09:39 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    John Swinney, speaking on the BBC News Channel, said: "There are many aspects of this report which are welcome, which strengthen the powers of the Scottish parliament and give us the ability to tackle some of the issues that affect our citizens.

    "But what civic Scotland aspired for was the job creating powers that could transform our economy in Scotland, and control over the welfare system, over the minimum wage, over the things that would enable us to tackle the in-work poverty which is a central economic problem we face today and unfortunately we don't have those powers."

  13. Reaction: On twitterpublished at 09:38 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    John Daly:, external #smithcommission launches the vehicle that will deliver independence.

    Jimmy Walker:, external Hoped for a more robust proposal from Smith Commission. What makes it through Commons will be mere lip service.

    Allan Williams:, external Fairly sure SNP would have criticised Smith Commission report regardless of what it said.

  14. What next?published at 09:37 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Lord Smith's recommendations, known as a Heads of Agreement, will form the basis of draft legislation due to be published by 25 January.

    The main parties at Westminster have pledged that the legislation will be taken forward regardless of the outcome of the general election in May.

  15. Breaking Newspublished at 09:37 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Key recommendations....

    • Power to set rates and bands on earned income and retain all income tax raised in Scotland.

    • Sixteen and 17-year-olds to vote in Scottish elections.

    • Powers to create new benefits in devolved areas and make discretionary payments in any area of welfare.

    • Holyrood should have a share of VAT.

    • And Air Passenger Duty should be fully devolved.

  16. Lib Dem viewpublished at 09:35 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    David Porter
    Westminster correspondent

    Liberal Democrat sources have welcomed the findings of the Smith Commission to give more powers to Holyrood as a "quality and substantive piece of work".

    The party says the proposals go further than the vow delivered by the three unionist party leaders just before September's referendum and, in effect, create a Scottish welfare system.

    Lib Dem sources say they believe other parties in the Smith Commission have moved stewards their line on a number of issues.

  17. Spin beginspublished at 09:33 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    And with that the conference is over, and politicians from all five parties make their way towards the assembled media to give their take on the proposals.

  18. Reaction: On twitterpublished at 09:33 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Nick Heller:, external If Michael Moore genuinely thinks #smithcommission offers "Home Rule" he must have missed a day at school.

    Laura Mitchell:, external This is additional powers. This is not home rule. #smithcommission

  19. Maggie Chapmanpublished at 09:31 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Maggie Chapman of the Scottish Greens says the report gives at best some limited powers to stop austerity. She says they are content with borrowing powers outlined in the agreement.

    Maggie Chapman - Greens

    Says she will scrutinise what comes out of Westminster in coming weeks and months and will ensure going forward that the voice of the Scottish people is heard.

  20. English votes for English lawspublished at 09:30 Greenwich Mean Time 27 November 2014

    Mr Cameron, in a second tweet, external, said: This is a good day for the UK. Before Christmas I will bring forward proposals on English votes for English laws.