That's all from Holyrood Livepublished at 18:08 Greenwich Mean Time 8 November 2016

That's all from Holyrood Live on Tuesday 8 November 2016.
Have a lovely evening.
The Health Committee takes evidence from Health Secretary Shona Robison on the Audit Scotland NHS report and recruitment and retention, before a mental health evidence session
MSPs raises issues including including the future of dozens of police stations across Scotland and the "justifiable assault" of children by parents
Government statement on unconventional oil and gas, updating MSPs on the fracking consultation
The government lead a debate on the EU workforce and their contribution to health and social care
SNP MSP Graeme Dey leads this evening's member's debate entitled 'Species Champions Initiative Re-launch'
Craig Hutchison and Colin Bell
That's all from Holyrood Live on Tuesday 8 November 2016.
Have a lovely evening.
Scottish Environment Link Species Champions
Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham welcomes the relaunch of the Scottish Environment Link species champion initiative.
Ms Cunningham says she is a champion for all these species and delivering plans for biodiversity is highly important.
She encourages other MSPs to get involved.
Scottish Lib Dem MSP Tavish Scott says he is the champion of the Orca whale.
SNP MSP Christine Grahame says it is her second hear being the species champion for the house sparrow.
Labour MSP Lewis Macdonald says he has been the species champion for the curlew for the past three years.
SNP MSP Mairi Evans is up next to champion the hen harrier.
Green MSP Mark Ruskell congratulates Scottish Environment Link for relaunching the species champion campaign.
The Green MSP says at one level its a great deal of fun but he also stresses the importance of the project.
SNP MSP Jenny Gilruth says she is the champion of the rowan tree.
Labour MSP Johann Lamont says she is the champion of the Lapwing.
SNP MSP Angus MacDonald is the champion of the bog sun jumper spider.
Mr MacDonald encourages colleagues to get involved.
Scottish Conservative MSP Alexander Burnett, species champion of the freshwater pearl mussel, says they only occasionally contain a pearl.
Mr Burnett says a new population has been found in "river x" which remains nameless to avoid pearl fishers discovering it.
SNP MSP Ruth Maguire, species champion for the hedgehog, says they are in dramatic decline.
Ms Maguire says you are more likely to see one in an urban garden than the countryside and people can encourage them into gardens by leaving a corner of it wild.
Scottish Greens MSP Alison Johnstone, champion of the brown hare, says she will be talking as fat as the hare runs.
Ms Johnstone says there are actions to end the "barbaric sport of hare hunting".
SNP MSP Maree Todd, the champion for the Flame shell, says protecting Flame shell beds protects hundreds of other species.
Labour MSP David Stewart, the champion for the great yellow bumblebee, says grants have been provided in Thurso to protect the preservation of the dwindling species.
Red Squirrels champion Gail Ross
SNP MSP Gail Ross, the species champion for the red squirrel, says 40 red squirrels were released in her constituency but some were sadly killed on the roads.
Ms Ross says signs have now been put up in the local area.
The SNP MSP says they started to reproduce but, sadly, six have been reported killed this year.
Background: Scottish Environment Link
From the Scottish Environment Link website, external:
Species Champion asks Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) to lend political support to the protection of Scotland’s threatened wildlife by becoming ‘Species Champions.’
Labour MSP Rhoda Grant is the species champion for the wildcat
At present, 57 MSPs have become Species Champions. On these Scottish Environment Link pages:
Scottish Conservative MSP Maurice Golden says he is the species champion for the Arran whitebeam, an endangered species from the Isle of Arran.
Mr Golden says in order to guarantee the future of the trees, saplings are being grown in the Botanical Gardens.
SNP MSP Bruce Crawford praises Scottish Environment Link.
Mr Crawford says he is the proud slow worm champion.
He says it is an endangered species but is also somewhat of a Casanova.
Mr Crawford says he never thought he would be talking about the sex life of a lizard in the chamber.