Good morning and welcome to Holyrood Live!published at 12:16 Greenwich Mean Time 5 November 2018

Young campaigners will bring their fight against cuts to music tuition to Holyrood
Good morning and welcome to Holyrood Live on Wednesday 7 November 2018.
The education committee will hear from young people campaigning against cuts to music tuition in schools.
Two members of the Scottish Youth Parliament - Alice Ferguson and Catherine Mackie - will appear before MSPs to highlight threats to free music tuition.
Alice, 16, launched a campaign last year to save instrumental tuition in West Lothian, while Catherine is on the SYP's education committee.

MSPs will praise the work of emergency workers after 5pm.
After finance, economy and fair work ministers face a grilling at portfolio questions, MSPs will debate the impact of Brexit on international research.
It follows concerns of Scotland being at risk of losing the capacity to shape major medical research projects.
Recently, Nobel scientists also warned against ending freedom of movement for fear of the impact this may have on scientific research.
Expect both topics to come up.
Finally Tory MSP Liam Kerr praises emergency service workers, in a timely date given the inevitable fall out from Guy Fawkes night.