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Live Reporting

Edited by Jeremy Gahagan

All times stated are UK

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  1. Our live coverage is closing...

    We're pausing our live coverage for now, thanks for following.

    Here's a rundown of what's happened so far today.

    Gunman: An as-yet unnamed 22-year-old man will appear in a Danish court later, charged with killing three people after he opened fire at a Copenhagen shopping centre.

    Death toll: Two Danish teenagers, both aged 17, and a 47-year-old Russian citizen residing in Denmark, died in the shooting on Sunday.

    Injured: Four people were hospitalised with gunshot wounds - one remains in a critical condition, officials say. Twenty people sustained minor injuries during the evacuation from Field's shopping centre, and an additional three were treated for possible stray shots but have since gone home, police say.

    Police: Copenhagen's police chief Soeren Thomassen said officers don't currently believe the attack was an act of terror. Those targeted were selected at random and the suspect was known to mental health services, he says.

    Norway solidarity: Less than two weeks after a gun attack in Oslo, Norway, Norwegian PM Jonas Gahr Store says he understands people's fears - but leaders are doing everything they can to keep people safe.

    You can read more in our latest news story.

    These live updates have been brought to you by Jeremy Gahagan, George Wright, Sam Hancock and Catherine Evans.

  2. 'We escaped from Fields - I'm thankful we're alive'

    Catherine Evans

    BBC News

    Isabella Hjertholm
    Image caption: Isabella said she had a panic attack after escaping

    A 13-year-old Harry Styles fan has described how she escaped from the Fields shopping centre by climbing onto a roof with her grandmother.

    Isabella Hjertholm from Odense, Denmark, told the BBC: “When we saw people running out of the cinema, at first I didn’t think it was anything serious, until I heard people say somebody were shooting."

    “I didn’t really know where to exit since I don’t know the mall that well, so I just followed a big group going to some type of rooftop, and luckily we found an emergency exit,” she said.

    They ran as far away from the centre as they could, before phoning Isabella's mother and grandfather, who were hiding in some toilets at the shopping centre.

    “We waited at a gas station where we met with my mom and grandpa later, and then we took a taxi back home," she said.

    "I was traumatised and really scared to go anywhere near Fields, plus my mom didn’t let me go back there because it didn't feel safe."

    "When I got back home to my grandma and grandpa I began having a panic attack... I was really scared," she said.

    Isabella added that she was disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to see Harry Styles, but was relieved to find out the show had been cancelled.

    "It was the absolute right decision to make. Right now I’m hoping for a new date for Harry Styles concert," she said.

    "I am very thankful that me and my family are alive. I feel for those who have lost somebody."

  3. Police retain presence across Copenhagen

    Adrienne Murray

    Reporting from Copenhagen

    Police outside the mall

    Crisis assistance points and counselling are being offered to the public in Copenhagen today.

    Only a couple of days ago, the Tour de France started here and there was a celebratory mood as spectators lined the streets.

    It’s still unclear how the suspect obtained the murder weapon, and police say they are reviewing social media posts where he posed with weapons.

    Strict firearm controls are in place and potential gun-owners must pass a background check before being eligible for a licence.

    Although it's thought the suspect acted alone, police are keeping a visible presence across the capital.

  4. Why Copenhagen and Oslo? Norwegian PM asks

    Norwegian PM Jonas Gahr Store during the welcome ceremony of the Nato Summit in Madrid

    The attack in Denmark comes less than two weeks after a gunman opened fire in Oslo, in neighbouring Norway, and Norwegian PM Jonas Gahr Stoere says he understands people's fears - but leaders are doing "everything we can to keep us safe [sic]".

    "This is the most important task for the government at any time. And then each of us must take care of those around us and extend a hand to those who are now extra scared," he says in a statement, adding:

    Quote Message: There is still a lot we don't know about why the perpetrators in Oslo and Copenhagen committed the terrible acts, but regardless of the motive and background, our answer must be clear: we stand together in the face of violence and hatred. We are strengthened in our faith in community and love."

    Gahr Stoere also says Scandinavian countries are working to strengthen the goal of "creating safe communities that prevent mental illness and radicalization", though he doesn't give any detail on what's actually being done.

    "My thoughts are with the victims, their relatives and to all those who are currently working to save lives and keep the population safe," the leader adds.

  5. Mall attack leaves Denmark stunned

    Adrienne Murray

    Reporting from Copenhagen

    A woman and man hug next to the Field's shopping centre, a day after the shooting at the mall

    Dozens of heavily armed officers have been standing guard outside the Field’s shopping centre all morning, while investigators have been filing in and out.

    The steps to the main entrance remain cordoned off with tape, and police vehicles line the street outside.

    This is a smart office district on the outskirts of Copenhagen, but today the surroundings are quiet.

    At the weekend this area would have been particularly busy. The mall is a popular spot for families and young people, and at the time of the shooting, thousands of music fans were making their way to the Royal Arena concert hall, to see Harry Styles perform.

    For this small Nordic country, where gun violence is rare and mass shootings are almost unheard of, Sunday’s events are deeply shocking.

    Map showing the location of the shopping mall
  6. 'I turned my head and saw the perpetrator'

    A 16-year-old girl Harry Styles fan who was injured in Sunday's shooting has described how she came face to face with the gunman.

    The Swedish national, who is in a stable condition, spoke to Swedish media outlet Kristiansbladet from her hospital bed this morning.

    She said she's waiting to have fragments and a bullet removed from her body.

    The teenager was due to attend the Harry Styles concert nearby and had only been in the centre for a few minutes when the gunman opened fire.

    She managed to run away before she could feel a heat spread and heard a bang.

    "Then I realised I had been hit," she said.

    "I turned my head and saw the perpetrator for a few seconds."

    Despite being hit, she managed to escape, getting help from people and ambulance crews outside the centre.

  7. Spike in Red Cross victim counselling calls

    More than 100 people are said to have contacted the Red Cross' victim counselling service in Denmark on Sunday night after the shooting at Field's shopping centre.

    Mikkel Wendelboe Toft, a consultant in national preparedness at the Red Cross, tells Danish news agency Ritzau that the service is hearing from people who've suffered "great, violent experiences".

    "These are people who have been in direct visual contact in the moment out there," he's quoted as saying, adding that those who get away can often be left traumatised.

    "There are people who have had escape experiences and have had to run away with children under their arms or have hidden in the centre."

    Earlier, eyewitness Maximillian von Renteln described his "terrifying" experience of being just outside the mall when gunfire begun. He said dozens of people, including him, then ran as fast as they could to the nearest point of safety.

    Video content

    Video caption: People flee Field's shopping centre following the attack
  8. When did Denmark last suffer a major gun attack?

    Exterior view of Field's shopping center, a day after the shooting in Copenhagen
    Image caption: The shooting was carried out at Field's shopping centre, a popular destination for families and young Danes

    We've heard lots about the fallout from yesterday's gun attack in Copenhagen, but just how common is this kind of ambush in Denmark?

    The short answer is not very. The last time a militant attack was carried out in the Scandinavian country was February 2015, when a 22-year-old man opened fire on two separate occasions across the same day in Copenhagen. He killed two people in total and wounded six police officers.

    The perpetrator began shooting at the Krudttoenden cultural centre, during a freedom of speech event, before going on to shoot someone outside a Jewish synagogue in the city centre. He was eventually shot dead by police.

    At the time, local and international media branded it the "worst attack on Danish soil for decades".

    Betty Kandindima, from the Danish Broadcasting Corporation in Copenhagen, told BBC Radio 5 Live earlier that the main difference between the two incidents was the police's ability to stop the suspect this time around.

    Quote Message: With that incident [in 2015], the suspect was walking around in the streets of Copenhagen for quite some time which meant the police actually had to barricade most of the city centre, whereas… it’s [this latest attack] in the outskirts of Copenhagen, approximately 10km from the city centre, which meant that this time around the police they had an easier time cutting off the area to find the suspect." from Betty Kandindima
    Betty Kandindima
  9. Photo shows alleged shooter inside mall

    The alleged shooter wandering around inside Field’s Shopping Centre, Copenhagen

    A picture has emerged of the alleged gunman inside Field's mall.

    It shows a man wearing shorts and a short-sleeved dark top, carrying what appears to be a weapon.

    The picture is from a video, which shows the man stopping momentarily, resting the apparent weapon on his shoulder, before starting to run through the shopping complex.

  10. BreakingOne victim in hospital remains in critical condition

    Officials have just been holding a press conference outside the Rigshospitalet, where three of the seriously injured victims were taken.

    They were given "life-saving treatment" very quickly, chief physician Anders Damm said, according to the Jyllands-Posten newspaper.

    Of the three being treated there, two are in a stable condition. The third remains in a critical condition but further details were not given.

    A fourth gunshot victim is being treated at the Herlev Hospital, but is reported not to be in a critical condition.

  11. We believe victims were random - police chief

    Soeren Thomassen

    More now from Copenhagen's police chief, who has been explaining how the shooter targeted victims at random.

    Soeren Thomassen said police do not believe the attack was an act of terror and that the suspect has a history of mental health issues.

    "It is important for me to underline that in the work we've been doing throughout the night there is nothing that indicates that the suspect that we apprehended has been together with others or has been helped by others.

    "Our assessment is that the victims are random victims. That it is not motivated by gender or anything else."

  12. Harry Styles 'heartbroken', urges people to 'look after each other'

    British singer Harry Styles has said he is "heartbroken" following yesterday's deadly shopping centre attack in Copenhagen, which took place less than a mile from where he was due to play to fans on Sunday evening.

    The 28-year-old former One Direction star's concert was cancelled following the attack.

    Many fans had already gathered at the Royal Arena when the venue was evacuated.

    Posting to his verified Twitter account, Styles shared his love for the Danish capital and its residents, saying that he was "heartbroken" at the news.

    "I’m devastated for the victims, their families, and everyone hurting.

    "I’m sorry we couldn’t be together. Please look after each other."

    View more on twitter
  13. What are Denmark's gun laws?

    Police monitor the area outside the Fields shopping mall, where a gunman killed three people and wounded several others in Copenhagen

    Police say the shooter was armed with a rifle, a pistol and a knife, and while the guns are not believed to be illegal, the suspect did not have a licence for them.

    But what are Denmark's gun laws?

    Denmark has restrictive gun laws that are regulated by the Ministry of Justice and the European Commission.

    Civilians are banned from owning full automatic firearms, while semi-automatic weapons and handguns are only allowed with special authorisation, according to Gun Policy, a group focused on gun control.

    Applicants for a gun owner’s licence are required to establish a genuine reason to possess a firearm, for example hunting or target shooting.

    An applicant for a licence must pass a background check which considers criminal and mental health records.

    Chart showing levels of gun ownership in Europe
  14. Eyewitness recalls 'terrifying' moment gunfire began

    Eyewitness Maximillian von Renteln speaks to the BBC
    Image caption: Eyewitness Maximillian von Renteln says police boarded a bus he escaped to, causing many to panic

    Let's hear from an eyewitness now. Maximillian von Renteln, who says he was "just outside" the Field's shopping centre yesterday when he heard loud gun shots, has described the attack as terrifying.

    "At the time, I didn’t think they were gunshots but just a while after I saw people running out – and I instinctively did the same," he tells the BBC.

    Citing footage he captured on his mobile phone, Maximillian adds that a bus he managed to escape to was later boarded by armed police who instructed passengers to put their hands in the air.

    A man with a backpack, sitting at the back of the bus, was searched but officers found nothing and soon went on their way. “Everyone was in shock, no one knew what was happening. There were kids on board," Maximillian says.

    Despite this, he insists that the police did a good - and swift - job. "I’m happy with the police and how quickly they responded… especially when you compare it to a situation like the [shooting] in Texas recently.”

  15. Danes struggle to come to terms with attack

    Danish journalist Lone Thelis speaks to the BBC
    Image caption: Danish journalist Lone Thelis says gun laws in the country are strict, leaving many puzzled about yesterday's attack

    In the last few minutes, Danish journalist Lone Thelis has been speaking to the BBC, saying the mood today in Copenhagen is one of "shock and great sadness".

    There is also "disbelief" that such an attack could take place in Denmark, she says.

    Asked why the 22-year-old gunman might have targeted the Field's shopping centre, Lone says details are still unknown. But, she adds, police in Denmark "raided" an apartment in the area last night and believe it to be the "perpetrator's" - meaning the explanation could be as simple as geography.

    Copenhagen has "pretty strict" gun laws, she adds, which is why many are so confused by yesterday's attack.

    "You can't just go into a shop and get yourself a gun, you need to have permission. If you need a rifle for hunting, for instance, you need to do an exam," she says.

    "That's definitely something the police will be interested in finding out - how did [the gunman] get the weapon?"

  16. Where is the Field's mall?

    Sunday's attack took place at one of Denmark's biggest shopping centres.

    The Field's multi-storey shopping mall in the south of Copenhagen has more than 140 shops and restaurants and is located on the outskirts of the capital, near a subway line that connects it to the city centre.

    Less than a mile away is the Royal Arena, the 17,000-capacity venue where Harry Styles was due to perform on Sunday before the show was cancelled.

    There is a high school in the vicinity of the shopping centre, as well as a large student housing block where hundreds of young people on university exchange programmes live.

    Copenhagen airport is a short train ride away, as is the Øresund Bridge, which connects Denmark to the Swedish city of Malmö.

    An aerial satellite map shows the Field's shopping centre and the Copenhagen Royal Arena
  17. WATCH: Video shows panic as people flee gunfire in mall

    Footage on social media shows scenes of panic as people flee gunfire inside the shopping centre.

    You might find the content upsetting.

    Video content

    Video caption: Copenhagen shooting: Panic as people flee gunfire inside shopping centre
  18. Danes and a Russian citizen among the dead - police

    The three people killed in Sunday's shooting have been identified as a Danish woman and man, both aged 17, and a 47-year-old Russian citizen residing in Denmark, Danish police say.

    Another four were injured in the shooting: two Danish women, aged 19 and 40, and two Swedish citizens, a 50-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl, Copenhagen police chief Soeren Thomassen says.

    He told reporters that police do not believe the attack was terror-related.

    Videos of the suspect circulating on social media are believed to be authentic, police say.

    The man can be seen posing with weapons, mimicking suicide gestures and talking about psychiatric medication "that does not work".

  19. Suspect 'known to psychiatric services' - police chief

    Soeren Thomassen speaks to the media

    More now from a press conference being held by police in Copenhagen.

    The city's police chief, Soeren Thomassen, says the suspect was known to mental health services.

    "Our suspect is also known among psychiatric services, beyond that I do not wish to comment," Thomassen says.

    The victims appeared to have been randomly targeted and there was nothing to indicate it was an act of terror, he adds.

    Four people, including two Swedish citizens, are in critical condition but stable after being hit by gunshots in the shooting on Sunday, where three people were killed, the police chief says.

  20. BreakingAttack not an act of terror - police chief

    Danish police say there is no indication that Sunday's shooting was an act of terror.

    The suspect had a history of mental health issues, they say.