April Fools jokes that weren't funny

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File photo of woman rolling her eyes.Image source, Thinkstock/rollover

There are some April Fools jokes so bad that even die-hard fans lose their sense of humour.

Jokes about terrorism and jokes that end up making people unemployed.

Brands who try too hard to be funny and desperate newspaper articles.

There's Professor Green, who claimed he was changing his name to Professor Green Tea.

Is it so bad it's good?, external

Here's some of the worst ones that were floating around this fine April day.

"Paddy Jihaddy"

Image source, Kildarenow

The author of the article even photoshopped a picture of the tower so it looked like an ISIS flag was flying from it.

The story reads: "Irish security forces have placed a ring of steel around the Allen area and road diversions are in place until further notice after an anonymous phone call by a male calling himself Paddy Jihaddy said he had rigged the area with explosives and that he was renaming the the locality the Hill of Allah.

"Local residents have reported hearing loud explosions recently but thought they were the normal quarrying excavations by Roadstone.

"A spokesperson for the Defence Forces has issued a statement saying that they hope to have the situation resolved by 12 noon when normal life can resume once more."

The editorial team of KildareNow has now issued an apology and say they did not write the article.


Farage: "I'll be supporting the campaign to Remain in the EU"., external

Aside from being hugely disappointing in the humour department though, his tweet has made a lot of UKIP supporters genuinely distressed.

Twitter user: "Don't even joke"., external

It makes no sense

"Hens lay rugby eggs as Germany aims for 7 Nations glory after footballing defeat to England.", external

We appreciate the effort but this joke from Germany makes no sense. Read it however many times you like.

Google's MicDrop feature

Image caption,

Clicking the button emailed contacts a sassy animation

While not as offensive as other examples, this one has still caused a headache for lots of people hoping to use their email for professional reasons.

Users who've clicked on the special April Fools version of the 'send' button in Gmail are complaining because the people they're sending the email to also receive a sassy animation of a minion doing the 'mic drop' to them.

Unsurprisingly, some people's bosses and co-workers are unimpressed. Some Gmail users say they've lost their job and ruined their chances of being interviewed.

Google have taken the button away now and say: "Due to a bug, the MicDrop feature inadvertently caused more headaches than laughs. We're truly sorry."

Bond girl

Image source, Daily Mail

Olivia Colman is not a joke. Olivia Colman is a national treasure. Yes please for Jane Bond.

Also, if you're trying to fool people, at least spell her name properly in the headline.

Serious illnesses

Image source, Getty Images

For sports fans, it's normal that sporting jokes would appeal to you - which is why we had the Klopp and Martinez dance-off, external, redesigned club logos, external and more.

But surely a line should be drawn at making out sports stars have serious illnesses? Apparently not, according to the Express Tribune in Pakistan.

They wrote an article, external saying Indian cricketer Virat Kohli "announced his retirement from the game" because of chest pains which were later diagnosed as "stress-induced cardiomyopathy".

It is also known as broken heart syndrome which the American Heart Association says can lead to severe, short-term heart muscle failure.

It can be fatal.

Crimes that can kill people

Irvin: "I made a terrible decision by driving"., external

Irvin: "I will do everything to get your trust back"., external

The same rules apply to jokes that involve crimes where people can die, because when you find out it's an April Fool you might be relieved, but you probably won't laugh.

Oakland Raiders footballer Bruce Irvin's joke bombed so badly he not only had to reassure people it was an April Fool, saying: "Ok it was a joke didn't meant to disrespect anybody. Damn relax."

But he kept getting criticism and had to apologise for upsetting people, before saying he was banning himself from Twitter for the day,

Irvin: "I apologise to all the 12's and my WVU family"., external

Pick a joke that's a bit more safe next time, Bruce.

When you ruin it

Twitter: KitKat Japan, external

The premise of April Fool jokes is that you tell the joke, then wait a bit, and then reveal it. So you can actually trick the person for a bit.

Kit Kat Japan put #AprilFools in the same tweet as the joke itself. And in case you didn't see that, they plastered it on the picture as well.

Hashtag, must trend. Hashtag brandter. Hashtag KillMeNow.

Photoshop fail

Netto: "Been herring that people are in a beauty pickle"., external

It's a running joke that Scandinavians are really into their pickled herring, so much so it's used on almost everything.

But there are some places that deserve to have their Photoshop licence revoked.

But here's a classic...

BBC Spaghetti Tree April Fools, external

Without tooting our own horn, we'll leave this one here as an example of an April Fools classic, the 'spaghetti tree harvest'.

In the days before spaghetti became a kitchen cupboard staple, this was shown on the BBC's political show Panorama in 1957.

It led to lots of viewers writing in to ask where they could buy their very own spaghetti tree. Really.

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