Maintenance and repair
- Attribution
- Posted10 December
- Attribution
- Posted3 December
- Comments
- Attribution
- Posted26 November
- Attribution
- Posted5 November
- Attribution
- Posted27 October
- Attribution
- Posted14 October
- Attribution
- Posted12 October
- Attribution
- Posted1 October
Between the Ears. Einstein Fix: an electronic symphony. Audio, 30 minutes
The story of 'Einstein Fix', Cape Town's go-to repair man for mobile phones and laptops.
- AttributionBBC Radio 3
- Available for over a year
- Attribution
- Posted17 September
- Attribution
- Posted9 September
- Attribution
- Posted9 September
- Attribution
- Posted8 September
- Attribution
- Posted4 September
- Attribution
- Posted29 August
- Attribution
- Posted27 August
- Attribution
- Posted21 August
- Attribution
- Posted3 August
- Attribution
- Posted30 July
- Attribution
- Posted24 July
- Attribution
- Posted12 July
- Attribution
- Posted8 July
- Attribution
- Posted27 June
- Attribution
- Posted27 June