Arrest made as Cheltenham police station damaged by van attack

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Gloucestershire Police station on Princess Elizabeth Way
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Police say a white van reversed at speed into the front doors of the station

A man has been arrested in connection with a vehicle attack on a police station.

Gloucestershire Police said the incident involving a white van being reversed into the building in Cheltenham on Sunday night.

A 20-year-old man from the Cotswolds has been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and remains in custody.

Police it was believed "the attack was done intentionally using a suspected stolen van".

The incident left the building, on Princess Elizabeth Way, damaged to the extent it had to be partly closed

Officers believe that footage of the attack has been circulated on messaging apps, and they are asking for anyone who has it to come forward.

The driver of the vehicle had reversed at speed into the station shortly after 21:00 GMT, the police said.

They then fled from the vehicle, a white van, on foot and went in the direction of Marsland Road.

The driver was described as wearing a balaclava, a dark jacket and light coloured trousers.

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The damage to the police station has meant the public cannot access it

The building is open for police staff as normal and anyone who was wanting to attend the station is asked to report online instead, or dial 999 in the case of an emergency.

Gloucestershire Police has appealed for anyone with information or footage of the incident to come forward.

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