Christmas: Marcus Rashford and Tom Kerridge create £10 dinner

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Marcus Rashford, a Christmas dinner and Tom KerridgeImage source, PA Media/Fareshare/BBC
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The two-meal menu includes a Christmas dinner for six and a Boxing Day dish to use up leftovers

Manchester United's Marcus Rashford has said a £10 menu created by chef Tom Kerridge will help people in need "wake up on Christmas morning happy".

The footballer, who was made an MBE for his food poverty campaigning, tasked Kerridge to create the menu due to his own memories of visiting the local food bank on Christmas morning.

He said he wanted families to create something special "together".

The two-meal menu is a turkey roll with stuffing and a potato and carrot hash.

The meals have been designed to cost less than £10 for families using the government's Healthy Start vouchers, external, though Kerridge said in an instructional post on Instagram, external that anyone not using the vouchers would still only pay about £13 for the ingredients.

The Christmas dinner, which also includes a tray bake of vegetables, will feed up to six people, with any leftovers being used for the hash on Boxing Day.

'Cooking together'

Rashford, who has spoken about the hard times he faced during his childhood in Wythenshawe, said growing up, his family "relied on the local food bank for our Christmas dinner".

"Christmas has a great ability to bring family together and I want as many children as possible to wake up on Christmas morning happy and without the stress of wondering where their next meal is coming from," he said.

"I want families in communities like mine to look forward to creating something special in the kitchen together and making memories."

Image source, Andrew Matthews / PA Wire
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The Manchester United and England striker was made an MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours list in October 2020

Kerridge, who has previously called for "robust" measures to help disadvantaged children, said Christmas "can be such a hard time for many families" and the pair had wanted "to create something that might help bring a little bit of cheer to those who are finding it difficult".

"I want to see people cooking together over Christmas," he added.

The menu is part of an ongoing campaign the pair have been involved with for food redistribution charity FareShare.

A charity spokeswoman said it was aimed at ending food poverty and equipping children with "vital life and cookery skills to support seamless navigation into adult life".

She said 2.3 million children went "to bed hungry in the UK in the past month" and parents were "being forced to choose between keeping their children warm or putting food on the table".

"Christmas is meant to be a time of warmth, good food, and laughter, [but] for families facing food poverty this winter, the reality couldn't be more different," she added.

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