Missed insurance deadlines costly for NI health trusts

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The report suggests a number of ways the CRU can become more efficient to maximise the money it can recover

Health trusts in NI could be losing out in recovering millions of pounds from insurance companies due to failing to meet necessary deadlines.

An audit report into the Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) said it should become more efficient in order to maximise the money it can recover.

It makes a number of recommendations.

The CRU is responsible for recovering the cost of health service care and social security benefits in personal injury cases.

If a person has a road accident and receives hospital treatment, the CRU can lodge a claim to recover money from an insurance company for the care received.

In the past 10 years, such action has put over £100m back into the public purse, but auditors believe that figure could increase.

It highlights that some trusts are failing to meet a 14-day legislative deadline to lodge a claim.

The report also notes that some insurance companies are submitting incorrect forms or failing to notify the unit of potential claims.

The Audit office said the system which ensures that information is accurate needs to improve.

It recommends that the Social Security Agency continues to press for change.