Spotlight: Paramilitary loan sharks 'don't care what they leave behind'

Food bank users in Northern Ireland are being targeted by paramilitary loan sharks, a BBC NI Spotlight investigation has learned.

Victims of illegal money lenders told the programme how they faced a cycle of spiralling debt and intimidation.

One man who spoke to the programme anonymously said loan sharks cold-called him and gave him a £500 loan after seeing him at a food bank.

A month later he was told he owed them £1,300.

A woman from a loyalist area also told the programme vulnerable women in her community were being coerced into criminality because they were being forced to pay off loans using their own prescription drugs as well as cash.

Read more: Paramilitary loan sharks targeting food bank users

You can watch BBC NI Spotlight's Loan Sharks and Paramilitaries on BBC iPlayer and also on BBC One on Tuesday 13 Dec at 22:40 GMT.