Sunday Politics: Andrew Neil and leading politicians

Andrew Neil Andrew Neil talks to a leading figure from the world of Westminster each Sunday lunchtime

Andrew Neil talks to a leading politician each weekend in a long-form interview on the Sunday Politics.

The Sunday Interview gives them time to go through the details of the big issues as Andrew and the guest talk face-to-face and live in our studio.

Most of the previous interviews can be seen in full on this page. There is more news on the Sunday Politics' Facebook page and twitter site, or a fuller list of previous clips

The programme is broadcast at 11:00 most Sundays on BBC One - sometimes moving to accommodate sporting events - and can be seen for seven days on the BBC iPlayer.

2015 clips

Click here for Sunday Politics clips going forward from January 2015

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin

11 January. 2015

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith

14 December 2014

Migration Watch's Lord Green

30 November 2014

Shadow work and pensions secretary Rachel Reeves

23 November 2014

Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps

23 November 2014

Conservative Business Minister Matthew Hancock

9 November 2014

Shadow energy and climate change secretary Caroline Flint

9 November 2014

Conservative MP Ken Clarke

2 November 2014

Shadow communities and local government secretary Hilary Benn

2 November 2014

Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss

26 October 2014

Labour's shadow housing minister Emma Reynolds

19 October 2014

Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps

19 October 2014

UKIP leader Nigel Farage

12 October 2014

Liberal Democrat David Laws

5 October 2014

Leader of the House of Commons, William Hague

28 September 2014

Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna

21 September 2014

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

6 July 2014

Shadow work and pensions secretary Rachel Reeves

22 June 2014

Shadow climate change and energy secretary Caroline Flint

6 April 2014

Climate Change and Energy Secretary Ed Davey

30 March 2014

Pensions Minister Steve Webb

23 March 2014

UKIP leader Nigel Farage

16 March 2014

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith

9 March 2014

Shadow education spokesman Tristram Hunt

2 March 2014

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

16 February 2014

Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna

9 February 2014

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin

26 January 2014

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander

19 January 2014

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling

12 January 2014

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper

1 December 2013

International Development Secretary Justine Greening

17 November 2013

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles

20 October September 2013

Shadow energy and climate change secretary Caroline Flint

29 September 2013

Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps

22 September 2013

Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna

15 September 2013

Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey

14 July 2013

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling

7 July 2013

UKIP leader Nigel Farage

7 July 2013

Business Secretary Michael Fallon

30 June 2013

NUT general secretary Christine Blower

23 June 2013

EDL leader Tommy Robinson

16 June 2013

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls

9 June 2013

Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude

2 June 2013

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander

19 May 2013

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond

12 May 2013

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

28 April 2013

Shadow communities secretary Hilary Benn

21 April 2013

Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps

14 April 2013

OBR chairman Robert Chote

24 March 2013

Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers

10 March 2013

Business Secretary Vince Cable

3 March 2013

Shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan

17 February 2013

Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey

10 February 2013

Foreign Secretary William Hague

3 February 2013

Europe Minister David Lidington

27 January 2013

Shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander

20 January 2013

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles

13 January 2013

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin

16 December 2012

Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna

9 December 2012

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling

2 December 2012

Shadow work and pensions secretary Liam Byrne

25 November 2012

Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps

18 November 2012

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond

11 November 2012

UKIP leader Nigel Farage

4 November 2012

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander

28 October 2012

Home Secretary Theresa May

21 October 2012

Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps

14 October 2012

Shadow shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander

7 October 2012

Liberal Democrat Health Minister Norman Lamb

30 September 2012

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander

23 September 2012

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper

15 July 2012

Lord Strathclyde, Conservative leader in House of Lords

1 July 2012

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander

24 June 2012

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond

17 June 2012

Shadow education secretary Stephen Twigg

10 June 2012

Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna

27 May 2012

Energy and Climate Change secretary Ed Davey

20 May 2012

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles

13 May 2012

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls

6 May 2012

Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman

29 April 2012

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

22 April 2012

Housing Minister Grant Shapps

15 April 2012

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley

1 April 2012

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls

25 March 2012

CBI director general John Cridland

18 March 2012

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith

11 March 2012

Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond

4 March 2012

Ex-Defence Secretary Liam Fox

26 February 2012

Scottish secretary Michael Moore

19 February 2012

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