Scottish education minister says teacher grades will not be overruled

The new education secretary for Scotland, Shirley-Anne Somerville, has insisted that the awarding of grades this year will be made by teachers and will not be overruled.

Last year's algorithm-based system, established after the pandemic led to the cancellation of exams, was heavily criticised and subsequently dropped.

National exams did not take place this year either.

Ms Somerville told the BBC: "It is very important that this year what a teacher's judgement is, based on an individual's demonstrated attainment, that is the grade you get. So if your teacher thinks you deserve an A you will get an A from this. So, the assessment process is marked/judged by your teacher and the teacher will submit the grade. No one is coming in to overrule that, to second guess it, to look at any other material around that. Your teacher will decide your grade, if you don't agree with that you have the direct right of appeal."