Serial sex attacker tried to rape woman 17 months after release

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A man who tried to rape a woman in a country estate had a history of sexual offending, a court has heard.

Paul Watson spent almost 12 years in detention before being released in March 2020 - 17 months before the attack in August last year.

He grabbed his 58-year-old victim at the Drum Estate near Dalkeith, Midlothian, dragged her into bushes and tried to pull off her trousers.

At the High Court in Glasgow, he admitted assault with intent to rape.

The 32-year-old's history of sexual offending was revealed by prosecutor Colin Edward at the hearing.

He was aged 18 when he admitted in 2008 to attempting to rape a 27 year-old jogger in Currie, near Edinburgh.

Watson further pled guilty at that time to groping a 25 year-old woman in the capital's Hutchison Park.

A judge later imposed a compulsion order in October 2008 for him to remain at the State Hospital at Carstairs for treatment.

Mr Edward told the court Watson "remained detained continuously" for almost the next 12 years, initially under "high security".

This included a spell in a hospital in England in 2015 and 2016 - where he went on to commit further sexually-related offences.

The advocate depute added: "Watson was released into the community in March 2020 under suspension of his hospital-based compulsion order.

"In October 2020, it was varied to a community-based compulsion order."

Grabbed from behind

The court heard that his latest victim was walking through the Drum Estate at about 17:00 on 13 August 2021 when she became aware of Watson walking towards her.

About 30 seconds later, the woman was grabbed from behind and placed in what she described as a chokehold.

Watson then dragged her towards some trees where he tried to rape her.

The victim managed to fight Watson off and escape. He was later identified by neighbours after a CCTV appeal by police

Watson could now face a life sentence after judge Lady Drummond ordered a full risk assessment be carried out on him.

He will return to the dock in October, remaining in HMP Edinburgh in the meantime.

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