Reward of £1,000 offered over 'sickening' RNLI Macduff break-in
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The Macduff RNLI break-in has been described as "sickening"
A reward of £1,000 has been offered after equipment worth thousands of pounds was stolen in a "sickening" theft from an RNLI office.
The break-in happened between last Wednesday evening and Thursday morning in Macduff, Aberdeenshire.
The local branch of the Scottish White Fish Producers Association is offering the reward for information leading to the conviction of whoever was responsible.
The RNLI said it was a generous reward.
Spokesman Richard Smith said: "The RNLI plays a vital role in the community and we value the strong bond we have with Macduff and the surrounding area.
"The charity is indebted to the community for the numerous expressions of support that have been received following the break-in last week.
"Although the RNLI was hugely disappointed to be the victim of a callous theft, the feedback from the community has shown just what a special relationship we have with the public in the area."
- Published18 October 2012