Scottish Conservative Douglas Ross says 'very difficult' for PM to continue

The leader of the Scottish Conservatives has said he believed it would be "very difficult" for Prime Minister Boris Johnson to continue in the role for "several more months".

Douglas Ross was speaking after Mr Johnson indicated he would resign, but before he made his statement outside 10 Downing Street.

Mr Ross told BBC Scotland: "I think it is very difficult for the PM to continue for several more months given what has happened with the resignations from his cabinet saying they can't continue to support him as ministers.

"We have a huge number of vacancies that I am not sure even the PM in an interim basis can fill and I believe the best option maybe is to have an interim PM which we have had during the Covid pandemic and indeed just as recently as a few weeks ago when Dominic Rabb stepped up while the PM was in hospital and I think that maybe the best option."