Bird flu: Farmers fear shortage of Christmas turkeys

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TurkeysImage source, Getty Images

Farmers have warned of a possible shortage of turkeys this Christmas amid fears of a resurgence of avian flu among captive birds in Scotland.

Bird keepers in England, Scotland and Wales were told to implement strict biosecurity measures earlier this week in a bid to stop the virus spreading.

The move followed an increase in the number of detections of bird flu in wild birds and on commercial premises.

It has been found in two domestic flocks in Orkney and Lewis this month.

Farmers told BBC Scotland it was only a matter of time before there is a bigger outbreak in Scotland.

Tom Pate, an arable farmer who also keeps pigs and turkeys on the outskirts of Dundee, said it was a very anxious time for him and the industry as a whole.

Flocks found with bird flu have to be culled.

"We lose our annual income, we lose our flock and that would be horrific for us," he said. "It would undoubtedly impact on our customers, so we want to avoid that at all costs."

His turkeys are free range but he expects he will have to move them inside to prevent them picking up the virus from the wild bird population.

"All it takes is one wild bird dropping to land in the wrong place and your flock will pick that up," he said. "It's a really virulent virus and one we're struggling to contain at the moment."

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Tom Pate fears there will be a shortage of turkeys at Christmas

Mr Pate added: "We are doing everything we can - and I'm sure everyone in the poultry industry is doing everything they can - to prevent any supply chain disruption and make sure everyone gets their turkey on Christmas Day but it's going to be a challenge

"Undoubtedly there will be a shortage of turkeys. East Anglia has had a very bad outbreak. There's a lot of poultry in that area so I think there will be shortages.

"Luckily up in Scotland there's not been any recent big outbreaks but it's probably only a matter of time. As I say, we're doing everything we can to ensure everyone has a turkey on their table at Christmas time."

Across the United Kingdom, 190 cases have been confirmed since late October 2021, with more than 30 of these confirmed since the beginning of this month.

An Avian Influenza Protection Zone has been in place across Great Britain since Monday.

Farmers must comply with strict new biosecurity rules but the government has stopped short of asking all bird owners to bring their animals inside.

The risk to human health from the virus remains very low, the government has said.

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Robert Thompson warned of a "tightening of supply" of turkeys

Robert Thompson, who chairs NFU Scotland's poultry committee, said people should continue eating eggs and poultry as normal - but he warned of a "tightening of supply" ahead of Christmas.

"Unfortunately there's been a lot of issues regarding high costs and feed costs and I believe there has been a lot less turkeys placed in the UK for the Christmas market," he said.

"So there may be a little tightening of supply. But if you haven't ordered it, I would do so now."

He added: "The general public need to have no worries. The production of top quality poultry meat and top quality eggs continues as normal and we encourage them to eat the same as they've been doing before.

"They may find some blips in the supply chain but that at the moment it is under control. Support the UK and Scottish poultry industry, we need that support as much as ever."