Partnership deal to save Gwynedd's public toilets

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Ladies toilet in Caernarfon

At least 52 of Gwynedd's 73 public toilets can be saved from cost-cutting closures if partnership deals can be agreed, council leaders will be told.

It follows moves to save £244,000, which could have seen up to 50 of the county's public loos shut for good.

The plans were put on hold last summer while community and town councils were approached to take over the toilets.

A council cabinet meeting on Tuesday will now be asked to agree the partnership arrangements.

"In implementing the partnership scheme it is anticipated that at least 52 public toilets can be kept open with the support and co-operation of town and community councils," a report to council leaders states.

"This is possible despite the cuts to the council's relevant budget."

'At risk' loos

Council officers have told the cabinet that they welcome the development, which would deliver savings and "manages to safeguard a significant proportion of the county's public toilets".

However, 21 toilets still remain at risk of closure, including two near blue flag beaches and four others at popular tourist spots.

The cabinet said if it agrees to the current partnership plans, other groups and bodies should be approached in a bid to safeguard toilets still under threat of closing.

But officers added that councillors must "accept that some toilets will have to be closed if a partnership arrangement is not possible".