Hungary media guide
- Published
This page is no longer being updated. It was last updated on 4 September 2023

The ruling Fidesz party has sought to tighten its control over the media, drawing criticism from media freedom organisations.
In 2022, US-based Freedom House rated Hungary as "partly free". Legislation has allowed for politicised media regulation and the public broadcaster is pro-Fidesz, it says.
The media "are increasingly dominated by pro-government outlets, which are frequently used to smear political opponents", it adds.
Fidesz-friendly business figures have supplanted foreign companies as investors in key media, says Reporters Without Borders. But it says the media landscape is still varied, with online outlets carrying investigative reporting of alleged corruption involving officials.
In late 2018, nearly all pro-government private media merged to form a conglomerate - the Central European Press and Media Foundation.
Ten companies handed their outlets over to the foundation, amounting to hundreds of publications, websites and broadcast outlets.
There were 8.6 million internet users by December 2021, comprising 89% of the population ( Facebook is the leading social media network, with 6.1 million users.
Magyar Hirlap, external - pro-government daily
Nepszava, external - left-of-centre daily
Magyar Nemzet, external - pro-government daily
Blikk, external - tabloid daily
Lokal, external - pro-government daily freesheet
HVG (Heti Vilaggazdasag), external - political and business weekly
Magyar Televizio (MTV), external - public
RTL Klub, external - private
TV2, external - private
Hir TV, external - private, pro-government
ATV, external - private, owned by the evangelical-pentecostal Faith Church
Hungarian Radio, external - public, networks include Kossuth, Petofi and Bartok
Retro Radio, external - private, national
InfoRadio, external - private, news
Slager FM, external - private
News agencies/internet
MTI, external - state-owned
Hungary Around the Clock, external - English-language news site
Origo, external - news website
Index, external - news website, external - news website, external - news website
Atlatszo, external - news website
Ripost, external - pro-government tabloid news website