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Climate Anxiety: Five tips to deal with your worries about climate change

It's normal to have some worries about big issues like climate change and the environment.

They're important subjects that society is trying to deal with.

But if sometimes you feel your worries are becoming too much, expert psychologist Laverne Antrobus has these tips:

• It's really important to talk to an adult you trust if you feel your worries about climate change are affecting your life too much and making you unhappy.

• Be involved in positive change - small efforts can make a difference and if you can't control the rest of the world, it's easier to control what you do in your own life! This might include walking, cycling and taking public transport to get around, and thinking about sustainability in your own life.

• Join a campaign group or work with friends to build support for causes you believe in - it's great to work with others and have their support. Joining groups also provides a voice for people concerned about the changing climate.

• Encourage your school or family to be more eco-friendly. Seeing the ways you can influence others can help you feel more optimistic about making a difference.

• Don't compare yourself to others! Not everyone can campaign on a world stage like Greta Thunberg and you don't need to feel guilty for not doing as much as her. You can make changes in your own life and the lives of those around you and make a positive impact that way.

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