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Top tips for a safe litter-pick

Keep Wales Tidy has these top tips for a safe litter-pick:

  1. Always take an adult with you.

  2. Wear strong gloves, without any holes.

  3. Don't pick litter up with you gloves though, use a litter-picker instead.

  4. You can ask your council for one or make one from old barbeque tongs or sticks.

  5. Take a bag with you to collect the rubbish - you can then leave it by a public bin and tell your local authority or take it home to throw in your household rubbish.

  6. Never pick up any glass, syringes or anything that is sharp - they can be dangerous, dirty and will rip your bag too.

  7. Once you're finished always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

  8. Keep to all the government advice about social distancing and where you can go.

  9. If you can't go for a litter-pick why not join an eco-schools project or encourage your friends and family not to litter.

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