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How to stay safe when gaming online

Throughout the past year, most of us have been spending much more time at home than we used to.

For some of us this meant spending more time gaming. During the first lockdown, 47% of you say you saw something online you wish you hadn't, so we have some tips to help keep you safe whilst playing online.

Sarah from The Breck Foundation told Newsround that: "There are 3 billion people around the world online gaming and it may surprise you to know that 2.1 billion of those are adults."

This means that when you are gaming online, there is a big chance you could be talking to an adult.

Sarah's top tips for staying safe are to make sure your privacy settings are set to private and only to talk to your friends, and never have your location information available. Her second tip is to report anyone that is behaving strangely or saying nasty things.

Sarah's last tip is to remember the power you have in your finger, if someone is being offensive or making you uncomfortable, turn off your console or phone and tell a trusted adult.

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