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Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2024: Meet some of the finalists

a grumpy dog a yawning horse and a stuck catImage source, Comedy Photo

Every year, pet owners from all over the world compete to see who can take the silliest picture of their furry friends.

The 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Award finalists have just been announced, and there are some crackers!

We've got a selection of them for you here, but which one do you think should win the crown?

Let us know in the comments below!

Dancing Queen

dog in the airImage source, Vera Faupel / Comedy Pets

This dog from Germany has got some seriously paw-some moves!

Strictly Come Prancing!

Cat in a trap like Super Mario

cat stuck in a wallImage source, Kenichi Morinaga / Comedy Pets

We hope this lil' fella got some help after the photo was taken!

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting

dog leaping in the snowImage source, Sylvia Michel / Comedy Pets

This dog in Switzerland is either doing some serious martial arts training or having an absolute blast in the snow.

Or maybe it's both!

On a roll...

cats playing with toilet rollImage source, Atsuyuki Ohshimo / Comedy Pets

The photo is called 'Hard Workers' but what do you think these cats are hard at work doing?

Causing trouble, no doubt.

What am I thinking?

an optical illusion of a horse missing its headImage source, David Kertzman / Comedy Pets

I know what I'm thinking - where has this horse's head gone?!

Tired Donkey

a donkey appearing to yawnImage source, Charlotte Kitchen / Comedy Pets

The competition covers a whole spectrum of emotions - this donkey was captured mid-yawn by its owner, which might explain the title 'Tired Donkey'.

But maybe it's laughing at a joke told by one of its stablemates?


a cat swinging from the curtainsImage source, Kazutoshi Ono / Comedy Pets

More king of the curtains than king of the jungle.

This cat in Japan got caught mid-swing by its owner.

Grumpy Dog

grumpy dogImage source, Luiza Ribeiro / Comedy Pets

Does he look grumpy, or up to something?

Lets face it, it's probably both!

New Rose

a tortoise eating a roseImage source, Jonathan Casey / Comedy Pets

Her favourites are dandelions in the spring, but here you can see her chomping away on Gertrude Jekyll rose - delicious!

Talk about a face full of mischief.

I believe I can fly

a poodle runningImage source, Julie Smith / Comedy Pets

This Irish Poodle hasn't quite sprouted wings but its owner did manage to catch it soaring through the air.

Those eyes show how much it's focussed on having a great time.