Why are US sports stars 'taking a knee'?

Celebrities and sports stars including many American football players have been protesting against racism, injustice and police violence in the US by kneeling during the national anthem.

The protests first started the 13 months ago when American football player Colin Kaepernick sat down during the national anthem ahead of a pre-season game.

In later games he decided to kneel instead in order to show more respect for military veterans.

The amount of protests increased dramatically recently after US President Donald Trump spoke out against them. He accused the protestors of disrespecting the American flag and it's armed forces.

This weekend entire NFL teams chose not to come out onto the field for the anthem while others linked arms or knelt to show unity for their team-mates.

Baseball and Basketball players have now also joined in with the protests. However many people disagree with what's happening and believe the players should not use sport to make a political statement.

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