Get Inspired: Meet Iva Barr - 2016 London Marathon's oldest runner

At 88 years old, Iva Barr is the oldest competitor taking part in this year's London Marathon.

She has been running marathons for "30-odd years" and took part in the first London Marathon in 1981.

"At that time I was a long-distance walker and thought I can cover that because I could do 20 miles in a day, so that's what made me apply and get a place - and it went from there," she says.

"At the end I burst into tears and said 'I can't believe I did that'."

Her advice for the day?

"A good pair of shoes, nice comfortable clothes and start as slowly as you can - not much more than a fast walk - and then build it up from there."

You can follow the full coverage of the 2016 London Marathon and we will be featuring more inspirational stories from you in our live text commentary on Sunday.

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