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Live Reporting

Luke Reddy, Caroline Chapman and Matthew Henry

All times stated are UK

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  1. Congrats and goodbye

    London Marathon

    As more runners pour across the finish line, I'm afraid our race is run with this coverage of the 2016 London Marathon.

    There's been plenty of drama and emotion but the most important thing is to congratulate everyone who has completed the race and wish luck to those still out there.

    Over 39,000 people took part in this year's race one of whom is the London Marathon's millionth runner.

    What a day.

  2. When someone you know is finishing

    Simon Needle

    Our reporter on the ground

    This is what it means...

    Video content

    Video caption: What it means when someone you know finishes
  3. It's over. You've done it...

    On this weekend, 400 years since Shakespeare's death, I think it fitting to leave the final words to the great man.

    The conclusion is victory
    Image caption: Love's Labour's Lost, Act 4, Scene 1.

    You can have a go at finding the best quotes to suit your needs with this interactive tool.

  4. Time to clear up

    Simon Needle

    Our reporter on the ground

    Video content

    Video caption: These balloons have done their job

    After a hard day's work supporting, it's time for some clearing up before heading home. They won't get those on the tube/in the car.

  5. 'Looking sharp'

    Simon Needle

    Our reporter on the ground

    What's the best phrase to shout to someone who has run over 25 miles?

    Video content

    Video caption: Supporters near the finish line
  6. Champagne moment

    What a special moment. 

    BBC London are reporting one gent running in today's race has just proposed to his wife at the side of the course. 

    Thankfully he didn't lose the ring en route! Not sure I'd be running back to mile one to find it!

  7. Get Involved

    Text 81111

    SMS Message: Amazing Janet Davies running today for "Make a Wish" in memory of her son Rhodri who would have been 18 this year, keep going Janet, that champagne is waiting. X from Alison and Mark
    Alison and Mark
  8. You only need a stick and bell

    Simon Needle

    Our reporter on the ground

    Some great enthusiasm at the side of the course from this group..

    Video content

    Video caption: You just need a stick and a bell
  9. Hats off from the sprint blocks

  10. You have to do the training - Raworth


    BBC newsreader Sophie Raworth knocked an amazing nine minutes off her personal best and finished in 3:35.20.

    She, like many others, says she watched the London Marathon for years thinking "I couldn't do it" - but you can!

    Video content

    Video caption: You have to do the training - Raworth
  11. World record


    You see those two people inside a boat at the top of this page? They've just crossed the line in just over five-and-a-half hours.

    Closely followed by the four firemen (see 13:05 BST) - who have set a new world record fastest marathon in a four-person costume.

  12. Weir with ideas for improvement

    David Weir

    Great Britain's David Weir - a six-time winner of the men's wheelchair race - had to settle for third place today.

    “I always want to do well here, it would be nice to win but I have a marker on what I need to do for Rio now," he tells BBC Sport.

    “I know there are certain things I want to improve on. When you're that close in a sprint finish I gave it my all."

    Asked what events he will do in Rio, the six-time Paralympic gold medal winner replies: “I'll do the marathon but I'm not sure on the track yet. It will come down to the distance from the village to the track because driving could take all day and I don't want to be living at the track. London was different, you were five minutes away.”

  13. Get Involved


    I think this perfectly sums up how the London Marathon can inspire people.

  14. 30,000 finishers


    London Marathon

    30,000 runners have now finished, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' is blaring out - that's the message to the 9,000 left out there.

  15. Supporters still doing a fantastic job


    Simon Needle

    Our reporter on the ground

    Video content

    Video caption: Supporters and bands still helping runnersLondon MArathon

    The supporters and bands are still doing a fantastic job helping the runners to keep on going.

    Here's Van Morrison's 'Brown Eyed Girl' being performed by the Romford Cadette Corp.

  16. Reaction: Sumgong's fightback

    Elite women's race

    Jemima Sumgong

    If you are just joining us, we saw drama in the women's elite race earlier as Kenya's Jemima Sumgong picked herself up from a fall with roughly 5km to go to win the race.

    She tells BBC Sport: "When we were heading to the last 5km mark to take water we did a mistake of maybe criss-crossing each other. I was just concentrating on my running. It was very painful -my head, my shoulder and my knee but I feel OK. I enjoyed it."

  17. Post update

    Our reporter Ore caught up with Puff the Asthma Dragon earlier and here he is making his way over the finish line. 

    He's been shortly followed over the finish line by Spongebob Squarepants. A fine effort.

  18. Get Involved


    Send us your messages of congratulations and we'll pass them on.

  19. Celebrity Catch Up - here are some times

    There have been a host of celebs completing the Marathon today - here's a handful of finishers and their times:

    Former England footballer, Danny Mills: 3:14.46

    Ex Wales rugby union winger Shane Williams: 3:32.26

    BBC newsreader Sophie Raworth: 3:35.20

    Game of Thrones star Natalie Dormer: 3:51.21  

    Top Gear and Radio 2's Chris Evans: 4:39.53

    Chris Evans
    Image caption: Here's Chris with his wife Natasha at the finish line