Wednesday 12th March 2025
Players Championship 6 - Round of 128
- Kevin Doets (Netherlands) beat Ricardo Pietreczko (Germany), 6 points to 1 pointsRicardo PietreczkoKevin Doets
- Brendan Dolan (Northern Ireland) beat Justin Hood (England), 6 points to 2 pointsBrendan DolanJustin Hood
- Niko Springer (Germany) beat Dave Chisnall (England), 6 points to 1 pointsDave ChisnallNiko Springer
- Martin Lukeman (England) beat Leon Weber (Germany), 6 points to 1 pointsMartin LukemanLeon Weber
- Karel Sedlacek (Czech Republic) beat Mike de Decker (Belgium), 6 points to 5 pointsMike de DeckerKarel Sedlacek
- Thibault Tricole (France) beat Radek Szaganski (Poland), 6 points to 4 pointsThibault TricoleRadek Szaganski
- Rob Cross (England) beat Adam Hunt (England), 6 points to 3 pointsRob CrossAdam Hunt
- Chris Landman (Netherlands) beat Nathan Rafferty (Northern Ireland), 6 points to 2 pointsChris LandmanNathan Rafferty
- Joe Cullen (England) beat Wesley Plaisier (Netherlands), 6 points to 1 pointsJoe CullenWesley Plaisier
- Dylan Slevin (Ireland) beat Dominik Gruellich (Germany), 6 points to 1 pointsDylan SlevinDominik Gruellich
- Ross Smith (England) beat Adam Warner (England), 6 points to 0 pointsRoss SmithAdam Warner
- Jeffrey de Graaf (Sweden) beat Brett Claydon (England), 6 points to 0 pointsBrett ClaydonJeffrey de Graaf
- Ritchie Edhouse (England) beat William Borland (Scotland), 6 points to 4 pointsRitchie EdhouseWilliam Borland
- Stephen Burton (England) beat Jose de Sousa (Portugal), 6 points to 3 pointsStephen BurtonJose de Sousa
- Michael van Gerwen (Netherlands) beat Ian White (England), 6 points to 4 pointsMichael van GerwenIan White
- Ryan Meikle (England) beat Benjamin Reus (Denmark), 6 points to 3 pointsRyan MeikleBenjamin Reus
- Luke Woodhouse (England) beat Dimitri van den Bergh (Belgium), 6 points to 3 pointsLuke WoodhouseDimitri van den Bergh
- Beau Greaves (England) beat Tytus Kanik (Poland), 6 points to 0 pointsBeau GreavesTytus Kanik
- Luke Humphries (England) beat Andy Boulton (England), 6 points to 3 pointsLuke HumphriesAndy Boulton
- Jitse van der Wal (Netherlands) beat Lukas Wenig (Germany), 6 points to 4 pointsLukas WenigJitse van der Wal
- Wessel Nijman (Netherlands) beat Matthew Dennant (England), 6 points to 5 pointsWessel NijmanMatthew Dennant
- Keane Barry (Ireland) beat Mickey Mansell (Northern Ireland), 6 points to 2 pointsMickey MansellKeane Barry
- Greg Ritchie (Scotland) beat Jonny Clayton (Wales), 6 points to 4 pointsJonny ClaytonGreg Ritchie
- William O'Connor (Ireland) beat Richard Veenstra (Netherlands), 6 points to 3 pointsRichard VeenstraWilliam O'Connor
- Dirk van Duijvenbode (Netherlands) beat Nick Kenny (Wales), 6 points to 3 pointsDirk van DuijvenbodeNick Kenny
- Marvin van Velzen (Netherlands) beat Darryl Pilgrim (England), 6 points to 3 pointsMarvin van VelzenDarryl Pilgrim
- Chris Dobey (England) beat Jim Williams (Wales), 6 points to 4 pointsChris DobeyJim Williams
- Sebastian Bialecki (Poland) beat Max Hopp (Germany), 6 points to 4 pointsSebastian BialeckiMax Hopp
- Raymond van Barneveld (Netherlands) beat Tavis Dudeney (England), 6 points to 4 pointsRaymond van BarneveldTavis Dudeney
- Adam Lipscombe (England) beat Patrick Geeraets (Netherlands), 6 points to 5 pointsAdam LipscombePatrick Geeraets
- Damon Heta (Australia) beat Joshua Richardson (England), 6 points to 2 pointsDamon HetaJoshua Richardson
- Stefan Bellmont (Switzerland) beat Tom Bissell (England), 6 points to 1 pointsStefan BellmontTom Bissell
- Andrew Gilding (England) beat Rhys Griffin (Wales), 6 points to 3 pointsAndrew GildingRhys Griffin
- Michele Turetta (Italy) beat Gabriel Clemens (Germany), 6 points to 4 pointsMichele TurettaGabriel Clemens
- Stephen Bunting (England) beat Andy Baetens (Belgium), 6 points to 3 pointsStephen BuntingAndy Baetens
- Thomas Lovely (England) beat Niels Zonneveld (Netherlands), 6 points to 2 pointsNiels ZonneveldThomas Lovely
- Gerwyn Price (Wales) beat Dennie Olde Kalter (Netherlands), 6 points to 2 pointsGerwyn PriceDennie Olde Kalter
- Matt Campbell (Canada) beat Robert Owen (Wales), 6 points to 3 pointsRobert OwenMatt Campbell
- James Hurrell (England) beat Daryl Gurney (Northern Ireland), 6 points to 5 pointsDaryl GurneyJames Hurrell
- Oskar Lukasiak (Sweden) beat Bradley Brooks (England), 6 points to 3 pointsBradley BrooksOskar Lukasiak
- Madars Razma (Latvia) beat Michael Smith (England), 6 points to 5 pointsMichael SmithMadars Razma
- Callan Rydz (England) beat Maximilian Czerwinski (Germany), 6 points to 5 pointsMaximilian CzerwinskiCallan Rydz
- Haupai Puha (New Zealand) beat Josh Rock (Northern Ireland), 6 points to 3 pointsJosh RockHaupai Puha
- Owen Bates (England) beat Florian Hempel (Germany), 6 points to 4 pointsFlorian HempelOwen Bates
- Gary Anderson (Scotland) beat Pero Ljubic (Austria), 6 points to 5 pointsGary AndersonPero Ljubic
- Martijn Dragt (Netherlands) beat Darren Beveridge (Scotland), 6 points to 2 pointsDarren BeveridgeMartijn Dragt
- Kai Gotthardt (Germany) beat Ryan Searle (England), 6 points to 5 pointsRyan SearleKai Gotthardt
- Rusty-Jake Rodriguez (Austria) beat Adam Paxton (England), 6 points to 3 pointsRusty-Jake RodriguezAdam Paxton
- Jermaine Wattimena (Netherlands) beat Mario Vandenbogaerde (Belgium), 6 points to 5 pointsJermaine WattimenaMario Vandenbogaerde
- Jim Long (Canada) beat Maik Kuivenhoven (Netherlands), 6 points to 5 pointsMaik KuivenhovenJim Long
- Luke Littler (England) beat Alan Soutar (Scotland), 6 points to 5 pointsLuke LittlerAlan Soutar
- Dom Taylor (England) beat Ricky Evans (England), 6 points to 4 pointsRicky EvansDom Taylor
- Kim Huybrechts (Belgium) beat Cameron Menzies (Scotland), 6 points to 2 pointsCameron MenziesKim Huybrechts
- Connor Scutt (England) beat Jelle Klaasen (Netherlands), 6 points to 5 pointsConnor ScuttJelle Klaasen
- Gian van Veen (Netherlands) beat Steve Lennon (Ireland), 6 points to 2 pointsGian van VeenSteve Lennon
- Krzysztof Ratajski (Poland) beat Scott Williams (England), 6 points to 1 pointsKrzysztof RatajskiScott Williams
- Viktor Tingstroem (Sweden) beat Peter Wright (Scotland), 6 points to 2 pointsPeter WrightViktor Tingstroem
- Ryan Joyce (England) beat Daniel Lauby Jr. (United States), 6 points to 2 pointsRyan JoyceDaniel Lauby Jr.
- Cameron Crabtree (England) beat Martin Schindler (Germany), 6 points to 2 pointsMartin SchindlerCameron Crabtree
- Cor Dekker (Norway) beat Robert Grundy (England), 6 points to 2 pointsRobert GrundyCor Dekker
- James Wade (England) beat Mensur Suljovic (Austria), 6 points to 2 pointsJames WadeMensur Suljovic
- Christian Kist (Netherlands) beat George Killington (England), 6 points to 3 pointsGeorge KillingtonChristian Kist
- Berry van Peer (Netherlands) beat Danny Noppert (Netherlands), 6 points to 4 pointsDanny NoppertBerry van Peer
- Nathan Aspinall (England) beat Stefaan Henderyck (Belgium), 6 points to 1 pointsStefaan HenderyckNathan Aspinall
Players Championship 6 - Round of 16
- Ross Smith (England) beat Stephen Burton (England), 6 points to 0 pointsRoss SmithStephen Burton
- James Wade (England) beat Ryan Joyce (England), 6 points to 3 pointsRyan JoyceJames Wade
- Kevin Doets (Netherlands) beat Rob Cross (England), 6 points to 4 pointsKevin DoetsRob Cross
- Madars Razma (Latvia) beat Gary Anderson (Scotland), 6 points to 2 pointsMadars RazmaGary Anderson
- Gian van Veen (Netherlands) beat Jermaine Wattimena (Netherlands), 6 points to 1 pointsJermaine WattimenaGian van Veen
- Luke Humphries (England) beat William O'Connor (Ireland), 6 points to 3 pointsLuke HumphriesWilliam O'Connor
- Damon Heta (Australia) beat Sebastian Bialecki (Poland), 6 points to 4 pointsSebastian BialeckiDamon Heta
- Stephen Bunting (England) beat Gerwyn Price (Wales), 6 points to 4 pointsStephen BuntingGerwyn Price
Players Championship 6 - Round of 32
- Ross Smith (England) beat Joe Cullen (England), 6 points to 2 pointsJoe CullenRoss Smith
- Ryan Joyce (England) beat Cameron Crabtree (England), 6 points to 5 pointsRyan JoyceCameron Crabtree
- Kevin Doets (Netherlands) beat Martin Lukeman (England), 6 points to 4 pointsKevin DoetsMartin Lukeman
- Gary Anderson (Scotland) beat Kai Gotthardt (Germany), 6 points to 5 pointsGary AndersonKai Gotthardt
- Gian van Veen (Netherlands) beat Connor Scutt (England), 6 points to 5 pointsConnor ScuttGian van Veen
- Rob Cross (England) beat Thibault Tricole (France), 6 points to 2 pointsThibault TricoleRob Cross
- William O'Connor (Ireland) beat Keane Barry (Ireland), 6 points to 1 pointsKeane BarryWilliam O'Connor
- Stephen Burton (England) beat Ryan Meikle (England), 6 points to 4 pointsStephen BurtonRyan Meikle
- Luke Humphries (England) beat Luke Woodhouse (England), 6 points to 5 pointsLuke WoodhouseLuke Humphries
- Damon Heta (Australia) beat Raymond van Barneveld (Netherlands), 6 points to 2 pointsRaymond van BarneveldDamon Heta
- Stephen Bunting (England) beat Andrew Gilding (England), 6 points to 2 pointsAndrew GildingStephen Bunting
- Gerwyn Price (Wales) beat James Hurrell (England), 6 points to 5 pointsGerwyn PriceJames Hurrell
- Madars Razma (Latvia) beat Owen Bates (England), 6 points to 0 pointsMadars RazmaOwen Bates
- James Wade (England) beat Nathan Aspinall (England), 6 points to 5 pointsJames WadeNathan Aspinall
- Sebastian Bialecki (Poland) beat Dirk van Duijvenbode (Netherlands), 6 points to 4 pointsDirk van DuijvenbodeSebastian Bialecki
- Jermaine Wattimena (Netherlands) beat Dom Taylor (England), 6 points to 4 pointsJermaine WattimenaDom Taylor
Players Championship 6 - Round of 64
- Cameron Crabtree (England) beat Cor Dekker (Norway), 6 points to 5 pointsCameron CrabtreeCor Dekker
- Nathan Aspinall (England) beat Berry van Peer (Netherlands), 6 points to 3 pointsBerry van PeerNathan Aspinall
- Sebastian Bialecki (Poland) beat Chris Dobey (England), 6 points to 2 pointsChris DobeySebastian Bialecki
- Dom Taylor (England) beat Luke Littler (England), 6 points to 5 pointsLuke LittlerDom Taylor
- Joe Cullen (England) beat Dylan Slevin (Ireland), 6 points to 4 pointsJoe CullenDylan Slevin
- Ryan Joyce (England) beat Viktor Tingstroem (Sweden), 6 points to 4 pointsViktor TingstroemRyan Joyce
- Raymond van Barneveld (Netherlands) beat Adam Lipscombe (England), 6 points to 5 pointsRaymond van BarneveldAdam Lipscombe
- Andrew Gilding (England) beat Michele Turetta (Italy), 6 points to 3 pointsAndrew GildingMichele Turetta
- Kevin Doets (Netherlands) beat Brendan Dolan (Northern Ireland), 6 points to 3 pointsKevin DoetsBrendan Dolan
- Luke Woodhouse (England) beat Beau Greaves (England), 6 points to 3 pointsLuke WoodhouseBeau Greaves
- Dirk van Duijvenbode (Netherlands) beat Marvin van Velzen (Netherlands), 6 points to 4 pointsDirk van DuijvenbodeMarvin van Velzen
- Gary Anderson (Scotland) beat Martijn Dragt (Netherlands), 6 points to 5 pointsGary AndersonMartijn Dragt
- Jermaine Wattimena (Netherlands) beat Jim Long (Canada), 6 points to 3 pointsJermaine WattimenaJim Long
- Connor Scutt (England) beat Kim Huybrechts (Belgium), 6 points to 2 pointsKim HuybrechtsConnor Scutt
- Martin Lukeman (England) beat Niko Springer (Germany), 6 points to 2 pointsNiko SpringerMartin Lukeman
- Madars Razma (Latvia) beat Callan Rydz (England), 6 points to 4 pointsMadars RazmaCallan Rydz
- James Wade (England) beat Christian Kist (Netherlands), 6 points to 3 pointsJames WadeChristian Kist
- Thibault Tricole (France) beat Karel Sedlacek (Czech Republic), 6 points to 4 pointsKarel SedlacekThibault Tricole
- Ross Smith (England) beat Jeffrey de Graaf (Sweden), 6 points to 3 pointsRoss SmithJeffrey de Graaf
- Stephen Burton (England) beat Ritchie Edhouse (England), 6 points to 5 pointsRitchie EdhouseStephen Burton
- Keane Barry (Ireland) beat Wessel Nijman (Netherlands), 6 points to 5 pointsWessel NijmanKeane Barry
- Gerwyn Price (Wales) beat Matt Campbell (Canada), 6 points to 3 pointsGerwyn PriceMatt Campbell
- Rob Cross (England) beat Chris Landman (Netherlands), 6 points to 3 pointsRob CrossChris Landman
- Gian van Veen (Netherlands) beat Krzysztof Ratajski (Poland), 6 points to 3 pointsGian van VeenKrzysztof Ratajski
- Ryan Meikle (England) beat Michael van Gerwen (Netherlands), 6 points to 5 pointsMichael van GerwenRyan Meikle
- Luke Humphries (England) beat Jitse van der Wal (Netherlands), 6 points to 5 pointsLuke HumphriesJitse van der Wal
- William O'Connor (Ireland) beat Greg Ritchie (Scotland), 6 points to 4 pointsGreg RitchieWilliam O'Connor
- Damon Heta (Australia) beat Stefan Bellmont (Switzerland), 6 points to 4 pointsDamon HetaStefan Bellmont
- Stephen Bunting (England) beat Thomas Lovely (England), 6 points to 2 pointsStephen BuntingThomas Lovely
- James Hurrell (England) beat Oskar Lukasiak (Sweden), 6 points to 1 pointsJames HurrellOskar Lukasiak
- Owen Bates (England) beat Haupai Puha (New Zealand), 6 points to 5 pointsHaupai PuhaOwen Bates
- Kai Gotthardt (Germany) beat Rusty-Jake Rodriguez (Austria), 6 points to 5 pointsKai GotthardtRusty-Jake Rodriguez
Players Championship 6 - Quarter-final
- Madars Razma (Latvia) beat Stephen Bunting (England), 6 points to 4 pointsStephen BuntingMadars Razma
- Ross Smith (England) beat Kevin Doets (Netherlands), 6 points to 3 pointsKevin DoetsRoss Smith
- Gian van Veen (Netherlands) beat James Wade (England), 6 points to 2 pointsGian van VeenJames Wade
- Luke Humphries (England) beat Damon Heta (Australia), 6 points to 5 pointsLuke HumphriesDamon Heta
Players Championship 6 - Semi-final
- Gian van Veen (Netherlands) beat Madars Razma (Latvia), 7 points to 1 pointsMadars RazmaGian van Veen
- Luke Humphries (England) beat Ross Smith (England), 7 points to 4 pointsRoss SmithLuke Humphries
Players Championship 6 - Final
- Gian van Veen (Netherlands) beat Luke Humphries (England), 8 points to 3 pointsLuke HumphriesGian van Veen
All times are UK and subject to change. BBC is not responsible for any changes.