Match Stats

Key, France v Canada

Overall Possession

France 64.3%Canada 35.7%


France 12Canada 12

Shots on target

France 4Canada 4

Shots off target

France 6Canada 4

Blocked shots

France 2Canada 4

Total touches in the box

France 23Canada 25

Goalkeeper saves

France 2Canada 3


France 10Canada 8


France 4Canada 0


France 10Canada 8

Total Tackles

France 18Canada 19

Won Tackles

France 13Canada 11

Total Yellow Cards

France 1Canada 1

Total Clearances

France 18Canada 17

Headed Clearances

France 10Canada 9

Duels Won

France 48Canada 46

Duels Lost

France 46Canada 48

Aerial duels won

France 15Canada 15

Aerial Duels Lost

France 15Canada 15


France 768Canada 515

Touches in the Box

France 23Canada 25

Total Pass

France 582Canada 321

Accurate Pass

France 485Canada 228

Backward Pass

France 121Canada 41

Forward Pass

France 216Canada 150

Passes to the Right

France 99Canada 37

Passes to the Left

France 88Canada 38

Total Long Balls

France 70Canada 62

Successful Final Third Passes

France 119Canada 61


France 9Canada 8

Total Crosses

France 21Canada 14


France 12Canada 12

Shots on target

France 4Canada 4

Shots off target

France 6Canada 4

Blocked shots

France 2Canada 4

Total Cross

France 21Canada 14

Attempts Out Of Box

France 1Canada 4

Attempts In Box

France 11Canada 8

Shots Open Play or FastBreak

France 8Canada 9

Goalkeeper saves

France 2Canada 3

Keeper Throws

France 4Canada 2

Goal Kicks

France 8Canada 10

Saved Shot From Inside Box

France 1Canada 2

Saved Shot From Outside Box

France 1Canada 1