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Watch the goals from Scotland's 5-0 over Israel

Four goals from Martha Thomas guided unbeaten Scotland to a comprehensive victory over Israel that maintains their lead at the top of Group B2 in Euro 2025 qualifying.

The Tottenham Hotspur striker scored two either side of half-time in Scotland's second meeting with Israel in four days behind closed doors as Pedro Martinez Losa's side secured a play-off spot.

Thomas slotted the opener in Budapest, Hungary, after another impressive start from the Scots before heading in a second on the end of an outstanding team move.

Her team-mates could have chipped in with a few in between, but the striker settled any nerves with a third following good movement and added a fourth with her head.

Once the 28-year-old was substituted, Chelsea Cornet took the reins and emphatically netted her first international goal with a smashed effort late on.

Serbia's impressive 4-0 away to Slovakia later in the evening means they remain tied with the Scots on points but behind on goal difference.

Friday night’s first-half performance generated heaps of praise due to the forward-thinking play, dominance in the final third and, crucially, goals, which have been a bit sparse for Scotland of late.

There was hope that could be replicated in Hungary and, after a slightly sticky start, Scotland met expectations.

Thomas, who scored the fourth from the spot four days ago, eventually slotted home after breaking away from the defence, but the visitors arguably should have been out of sight already.

On her 50th appearance, Sophie Howard’s header was cleared off the line, while Claire Emslie and Kirsty Hanson – who both scored on Friday – smacked the woodwork and Emslie was also denied by Fortuna Rubin’s strong foot.

The Scots didn’t let up and a sharp second seemed to be scored after a bit of a stramash in the six-yard-box. The ball appeared to be in, but the officials were unmoved and, with no goalline technology, play continued.

The second did come, through Thomas of course, and while she got the final nod, it was all about the well-worked build-up play from captain Rachel Corsie’s defence-splitting pass to Lisa Evans’ pinpoint cross.

Thomas squandered a header, but her first international hat-trick was soon complete, courtesy of her knee.

And why stop at three? Once again, her height proved too difficult to deal with and she rose for a fourth on her best afternoon in a Scotland shirt.

Chances came and went for Emslie and Cornet too, but the Rangers midfielder finally found her opportunity to seal an impressive win on the road for the Scots.

Player of the match - Martha Thomas

Image source, Scottish FA
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It could only be the Tottenham forward after a standout, four-goal show

Front three thriving as Scotland hit form - analysis

The double-header against Israel sandwiched in the middle of the fixture list was always viewed as a must-win pair of games, with the hope of a good few goals too.

Scotland completed the task at hand with relative ease, barring a few scares on Friday which were handled well by Lee Gibson in goal.

Martinez Losa’s side looked back to their old selves. The confidence was no doubt knocked by the poor Nations League campaign and the Pinatar Cup was not as successful on the pitch as some would have hoped.

However, going undefeated in the first four Group B2 games has allowed the Scots to smile again and play some lovely stuff, despite missing key operators.

Across both games, the front three of Hanson, Thomas and Emslie have particularly impressed, and their link-up play has been joyous. They seem settled and connected, which will be key if next summer’s Euros are eventually reached.

With Erin Cuthbert rested, captain Corsie shifted into the midfield and made the position look her own. Her natural instinct to sit deep allowed Sam Kerr to roam forward and influence the top end of the pitch alongside Cornet.

What they said

Scotland head coach Pedro Martinez Losa: "We are very happy with the performance, very proud of the team. It was a proper team performance with some circumstances to deal with throughout the game but that's what a team is there for.

"We are more proactive in the final third and Martha is a player who can be very effective from crosses and that's something we managed to do."

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'My first Scotland hat-trick means a lot' - Thomas

What's next?

Scotland have two games left in the group, away to Slovakia on 12 July (18:00 BST) before ending the campaign by hosting Serbia four days later (18:00).