Gloucestershire in pictures: Vintage cars and river football

A retro car on the street in Gloucester's city centre. The bodywork is a mixture of salmon pink and white and there are a handful of USA stars and stripes flags attached to the bonnet
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At any point, there are dozens of photographers out and about in Gloucestershire capturing snapshots of life, from news to sport and live entertainment.

This week we saw people in Gloucester stepping back in time for a retro festival.

Down in Bourton-on-the-water, hundreds of people turned up to watch a football match take place on a river.

Here is a selection of images taken across the county over the past few days.

Classic cars, vintage fashion and live music filled the streets of Gloucester - where the city took a step back in time.

The Gloucester Goes Retro festival, returning for its ninth year, showcases vehicles from the 1900s up the 1990s.

Despite the weekend rain, hundreds of people crowded the streets to enjoy performances and 'retro' activities.

Hundreds of spectators turned up on Bank Holiday Monday to watch the players of Bourton Rovers Football Club play football in the river.

The event takes place in the River Windrush, which is ankle-deep, as it flows through the village of Bourton-on-the-Water, in the Cotswolds.

The tradition sees goalposts placed into the shallow waters of the river and the two sides playing a 30-minute game.

The younger players won this year - beating the veteran players 3-2.

A service was held to remember the victims of a Second World War plane crash that killed seven airmen 80 years ago.

A Halifax bomber, the MZ311, crashed on Cleeve Common near Cheltenham on 26 August 1944.

It had been returning from a raid along the French coast and was believed to have been flying at low altitude upon impact.

Wreaths were laid as part of the service and a crowd listened to the Last Post being played in memory of the fallen.

Image source, PA Media

August may be ending on a bright, sunny note but there were times last week when it seemed the heavens had opened. Ben Birchall of the Press Association took this photograph of a pair of horse riders enduring a shower near the village of Coates.

Image source, Ben Smith Photography

An amateur photographer has won a photo competition at this year's Royal International Air Tattoo.

Mr Smith said he started photography in 2022 "on a point-and-shoot camera and then it just went from there".

He said he was a frequent visitor to the Royal International Air Tattoo and his parents had been taking him to air shows "since I was two years old".

The student claimed a prize worth £1,000 including a complimentary pass to next year’s show.

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