Jersey passenger numbers near pre-Covid levels

Jersey Airport departures entrance
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Ports of Jersey said its turnover was £50.5m in 2023

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Air and sea passenger numbers in Jersey increased year-on-year but remained below pre-Covid levels, a report has revealed.

Ports of Jersey's 2023 annual report said 1.46m passengers used the island's airport, an increase of 10.5% from 2022's figure of 1.32m.

The report added 469,000 people travelled to Jersey by ferry, up 26% from 372,000 in 2022.

While these figures remained below the 2019 figures of 1.7m air and 648,000 ferry passengers, Ports of Jersey chair Jeff Hume said they represented positive progress following the pandemic's impact on the travel industry.

The report said Ports of Jersey's turnover in 2023 rose by £5m to £50.5m, while its operating profit went from £1.8m in 2022 to £7.2m last year.

'Long-term agreements'

Mr Hume said there was further progress towards Ports of Jersey's goal of achieving "strong, sustainable financial performance".

He said this would help provide funds for infrastructure developments at the harbour and airport.

He added future agreements for air and ferry travel to the island would also help with these plans.

"We have long-term agreements in place with each of our airline partners, which provides the foundations for growth, more choice for islanders and support for our economy," Mr Hume said.

"We are now working closely with government on the arrangements for the future provision of ferry services, as the current operating agreement reaches its end in March 2025."

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Ferry passenger numbers have risen by 26% in 2023 compared to the previous year

Deputy Kirsten Morel, Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, said the government was committed to supporting tourism and hospitality on the island.

He said as part of this, the government would be working alongside Ports of Jersey to get the best services locally.

"We have a long-term vision for the continuing success of the tourism and hospitality sectors, and we are working closely with Ports of Jersey to ensure that growth in connectivity, in particular into Europe, underpins our Future Economy Programme," Mr Morel said.