In California, an incomplete dream for undocumented Asian students

In California, Terrence Park made his mark as a high-achieving student and president of the maths club at the University of California, Berkeley. Then he garnered even more attention for coming out as an undocumented student.

It's not just the children of Hispanic immigrants who were brought illegally to the US as children. In California, Asian Dreamers - so-called because they'd benefit from the proposed Dream act - are the biggest group among students on the University of California's campuses.

They make up 46% of undocumented students compared to the 42% for Latinos.

The Dream Act stands for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors. It proposes a path to citizenship and, with it, increased access to federal education funding for undocumented children and adults who were brought to the United States at a young age.

No matter what the ethnicity, undocumented students in California face a unique challenge: they can access state funds to help pay for their undergraduate education, but have fewer resources when it comes time to put their skills to use.

Kate Dailey talked to Park about how he is using his maths skills to campaign for reform.

Filmed by Matt Danzico. Edited by Peter Murtaugh

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