Stephen Dupont: Portraits of tribal life in Papua New Guinea

The internationally acclaimed photographer Stephen Dupont claims the Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea to be his "true and fearsome friend".

For more than a decade he's been taking portraits in the country's hinterland where tribal traditions thrive and outsiders have barely encroached.

But his work has also focused on the crime and poverty that has gripped urban areas where gangs of so-called Raskols have made PNG's cities some of the world's most dangerous.

Recently, Harvard University's Peabody Museum published Dupont's diaries and portraits, showcasing his years of work documenting the impact of globalisation on a traditional Melanesian society.

Produced for the BBC by Michael Maher

First Person is a series of video features published every Monday on the BBC News website which tells the stories of unique individuals from all walks of life in their own words.