The 'healthy' foods with more sugar than doughnuts

Inside Out's Jon Cuthill conducts an experiment to discover how much sugar is contained in common foods such as low fat yoghurt and fruit drinks.

He asked people in Southampton if they could guess how many "doughnuts worth of sugar" were in a variety of food products.

During the experiment he used doughnuts containing 5g of sugar or just over one teaspoon. The average Briton consumes an average of 15 teaspoons of sugar every day.

But could people guess how much sugar was contained in these so-called healthy products? Some of the results revealed surprisingly high sugar levels.

Jon Cuthill also spoke to Dr Aseem Malhotra from Action on Sugar who described the overconsumption of sugar as "public enemy number one in the western diet".

Inside Out South is broadcast on BBC One on Monday, 1 September at 19:30 BST and nationwide on the iPlayer seven days thereafter.

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