Man shocked as armed police raid St Albans flat by mistake

A man said he was furious and shocked after being woken by armed police who raided his flat by mistake.

Security video shows officers banging on a front door in St Albans, Hertfordshire, at about 08:00 GMT on Sunday.

Eddie Croasdell is seen opening the door and putting his hands up.

He said: "One of them was pointing a rifle directly at the peephole so I was looking down the barrel. I'm absolutely furious inside and I'm really shocked and it was a very scary experience."

Hertfordshire Police said officers had been called to reports of somebody being held at knifepoint and that "time was of the essence".

A spokeswoman said: "Information about the exact location of the alleged victim was not clear and armed officers presented at a number of flats as part of their initial inquiries."