CCTV released after West Bromwich attacks

CCTV footage has been released of a man linked to two street attacks in West Bromwich.

The suspect boarded a number 74 bus following the theft of a handbag from a 61-year-old woman in Great Bridge Street between 06:10 GMT and 06:30 on Saturday 7 November.

During the attack the woman was twice punched in the face and kicked as she lay on the ground.

It followed an assault on a man from Tipton near Greets Green Social Club, Whitehall Road, at around 05:15 GMT

The 69-year-old was so badly beaten paramedics thought he had been hit by a car.

The CCTV footage from the bus shows a man wearing a distinctive blue and white striped t-shirt with the word 'Fastest' in red writing on the chest.