Damien Hirst Charity statue moved from academy

A 3.5-tonne statue by the artist Damien Hirst has been moved from the balcony of the Royal West of England Academy (RWA) in Bristol.

Charity is based on the "collection box girl with teddy bear and leg in callipers" and was used by a charity formerly known as the Spastics Society during the 60s and 70s.

Bristol-born Hirst has "scuffed her appearance and burgled her charity box" as a comment on social injustice.

The painted bronze statue was hoisted into position a year ago outside the gallery in the Clifton area of the city.

It is now going back into storage at the artist's studio in Gloucestershire.

The statue originally formed part of the Romance in the Age of Uncertain Charity exhibition outside London's White Cube gallery in 2003.

The RWA said it already had plans to replace the statue and will soon be redecorating the outside of the building with an exhibition by street artists.

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