Misuse of level crossing where man died caught on CCTV

CCTV pictures have been released of joggers, drivers and dog walkers breaking safety rules at a level crossing where a man died in January.

Harminder Dhillon, 62, was killed when his car was hit by a train at Lidlington, Bedfordshire, on 3 January.

Network Rail has released a video showing other crossing users ignoring warning lights and signals that a train is coming.

"We are shocked that despite the fact that a motorist died at this level crossing, there is still routine misuse there," said Ben Parish from Network Rail.

"In January, somebody's father, son, husband or friend was killed because of level crossing misuse. That is one death too many.

"I understand that people lead busy lives and we all have somewhere to be - to get to work, pick the kids up or care for a loved one.

"However, waiting for a crossing to open will only add a few minutes onto your journey. Wouldn't you rather get to your appointment a few minutes late than not at all?"