Coronavirus: 'Baking can ease the anxiety during lockdown'

A cake-maker from Essex has explained how baking helped her cope with anxiety - and can help you too during the coronavirus lockdown.

Liz Fox, 36, from Chelmsford, set up her baking business in 2014 after being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and then depression.

"I discovered that baking really helped to ease the symptoms of both. I find that when I'm baking and particularly when I'm decorating cakes, I lose myself in it," she said.

Ms Fox hopes her quick cookie recipe - that does not need flour - will provide a fun and therapeutic activity for people while stuck indoors.

"I think at the moment, everyone's feeling the pressure, we're all feeling the anxiety, and so I thought perhaps I could share a bit of what I found so that you could do some baking at home."

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