Thompson: "right to broadcast" Panorama

The Director General has told Andrew Marr that the BBC is just one of many institutions having to go through the "absolutely painful" process of pension reform, but that the changes were necessary.

He said the public would be surprised if BBC staff were allowed to keep their pension package which was different from those available to the people who pay for the BBC.

Mark Thompson defended senior manager salaries, saying he didn't think there was another public institution that had done more than the BBC in the last 18 months, to limit executive pay.

The Director General also told Andrew Marr it was "right to broadcast" the Panorama programme about FIFA, the week the decision was made over who would host the 2018 World Cup.

Mark Thompson said the BBC would make fewer programmes in the future, but that there were no plans to cut any channels. He said the website would be reduced by 25%.

Watch the Andrew Marr Show programme in full.