Mandelson: EU referendum a 'lottery'

Lord Mandelson has told the Andrew Marr Show that he would not support an in-out referendum as the result would be a 'lottery' and you could not predict what the outcome would be.

Mandelson told Jeremy Vine that holding a referendum 'just because one wing of the Conservative Party' and UKIP want us to was not a good reason for doing so.

The Labour peer said he would only support a referendum if there was a 'significant change' in the relationship between Britain and the EU.

When asked about Labour's performance in the local elections in May, he said the One Nation label was good, but that they needed the policies behind it to back it up.

Lord Mandelson said Ed Miliband and the Labour Party was 'refreshing their thinking' after the breakdown in trust with the general public over the financial crisis.

You can watch The Andrew Marr Show in full on the BBC iPlayer.