PMQs: Cameron and Miliband on NHS and A&E services

Ed Miliband claimed health services were "not safe in their hands" as he clashed with the prime minister over casualty figures and waiting times.

He claimed more people waiting on trolleys and being held in the back of ambulances, there were more cancelled operations, and people were "waiting for hours and hours in A&E".

And the Labour leader said a reorganisation of health services "diverted resources and betrayed the NHS".

But the prime minister compared health services in England, run by the coalition, and the record of Labour-run services in Wales.

David Cameron said there were problems in the first quarter of the year, but targets were now being met, and problems over out-of-hours cover could be traced back to a deal agreed by the last Labour government.

He said the coalition was "scrapping bureaucracy and putting that money into the front line".