Heathrow Airport chief executive on third runway bid

Closing Heathrow Airport would cost 100,000 jobs, said its chief executive who explained the bid for a third runway, announced on Wednesday.

Colin Matthews got on his soapbox to talk about its submission to the Davies Commission on airport capacity, adding that Heathrow "is full, there is no more room here".

A government report showed noise pollution levels of at least 57 decibels affecting almost 260,000 people living near the west London site, but Heathrow said its bid for more flights could reduce noise.

London Mayor Boris Johnson has published details of three possible replacement hubs - an artificial island in the Thames Estuary, dubbed "Boris Island", a major expansion at Stansted in Essex , or an airport at the Isle of Grain in north Kent.

Mr Matthews is a guest of Wednesday's Daily Politics and will debate his film with Labour's Chuka Umunna and Conservative Nick Boles on BBC2 around 12:40 BST, and will be on BBC iPlayer for seven days

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