Nick Clegg attacks 'blanket approach' to data retention

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has said that while he broadly supports the Data Communications Bill, he cannot support the "indiscriminate retention" of data for every UK citizen.

"I agree with Jonathan Evans, I agree with the security services, I agree with the police," said Mr Clegg. "More than that, I've acted as deputy prime minister on their advice, to make sure that we retain the ability to invade the privacy and the communications between people who want to do us harm."

What he said he was uncomfortable with, was the proposal of an "indiscriminate retention" of the social media activity and websites visits of every single individual in the UK, for a year.

The Liberal Democrats are currently blocking plans for the bill, referring to it as a "snoopers' charter".

Mr Clegg was speaking to the BBC's Andrew Marr.

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