Claims of bullying and harassment at Westminster

New research by BBC 5 live has found 39 people, working for MPs, have experienced bullying at Westminster.

Twenty four say they’ve been bullied by the MP they work for.

The claims were made in a response to a questionnaire sent by BBC 5 live to all 1,500 staff publically listed as working for MPs in Parliament.

In total, 166 people responded and their replies, although not representative, give some insight into life for some inside the Houses of Parliament.

One man told us: "I'd worked for years to get a full time job in Westminster and the bullying began after half an hour."

Another described items of stationery being thrown around the office.

Not all responses were negative about the culture at Westminster. One employee said: “My experience has been entirely positive. It's about who you hang around with” and another commented “all the MPs I've met have been delightful. I have the nicest boss I've ever had. “

Last year, the prime minister set up a cross-party working group to look at the issues, led by Andrea Leadsom. Leader of the Commons.

Mrs Leadsom said in December 2017 that new HR support for MPs staff will be brought in, and a staff helpline expanded.

New training will be provided and other policies, like a "behaviour code", are being looked at.